Sunday, August 5, 2012

Alcohol Addiction, Depression And Anxiety: How Each Condition Impacts The Other

A person's depression and anxiety can be impacted by alcohol when there are conditions that develop with the drinking or mental disorders. The family life, job and actions of an alcohol abuser can be disrupted by alcohol which may result in depression and anxiety. Meanwhile, those who are struggling with these psychological complications may use alcohol to alleviate their feelings.

When people are anxious, they will feel nervous about some situations. In severe circumstances, this can cause trembling, irrational fears and weakness. According to specialists of alcohol treatment centers those who have depression are likely to present feelings of hopelessness, unhappiness, suicidal tendencies and fatigue.

A person's brain is impacted by alcohol the way it is disturbed by depression and anxiety. The part of the brain that generates moods is impacted by the issues. Depression, anxiety and alcohol are linked to the brain areas that are responsible for reduced appetite and inadequate sleep. Many specialists of alcohol rehabs claimed that these three conditions may be impacted by genetics as people who experience these conditions may have loved ones with the same issues.

At times, anxiety can be relieved by drinking alcohol moderately; however, anxiety disorder symptoms can be triggered when a person drinks too much amount of the substance. These symptoms are likely to result from panic disorder, anxiety disorder and fears. Anxiety disorders can also build up due to alcohol withdrawals and intoxication. However, when a person abstains from the substance, his anxiety may be enhanced over time.

Those who suffer from depression may self-medicate their illness by ingesting alcohol. This habit may give relief for depression; however, constant or heavy drinking will aggravate the mental disorder. People may have depressive moods when they drink an excessive amount of alcohol. Childhood neglect and other traumatic events in life are factors that lead to depression and alcoholism.

Double Diagnosis

Any person who is suffering from a psychiatric or emotional issue and alcohol addiction has dual diagnosis. Anxiety and depression often exist together with alcohol addiction. Regardless of what disorder came first, an individual with double diagnosis should be brought to a reliable treatment center as early as possible to avoid more side effects. The treatment center employs medical professionals who will treat the disorders together.

There are available dual diagnosis treatment centers that specialize in treating people who suffer from a mental issue and alcohol addiction. It is just important for the patient to admit that he has a problem so that all recommended treatment approaches will be followed and completed.

Want to find out more information about alcohol rehab centers in Omaha? Kindly check out vital facts about alcohol rehabs in Arlington

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