Sunday, August 5, 2012

Legal Effects Of Substance Abuse

Facts tell that effects of alcohol and drug use and abuse have served as blueprints to a crime. Crimes range from petty to brutal. The wide variety of illegal acts due to substance abuse is alarming and should warn any person of the following consequences.

Drunk driving

Data shows that driving while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol are the leading cause of fatal accidents. Alcohol and drug addiction has led to the death of thousands who had been hit on the road. There are many occasions that even when permits are suspended due to DUI, they still dare to drive. Even if this happens, the authorities must remain vigilant in imposing fines to motorists caught under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs. The services offered by the experts of drug treatment programs must be tapped and this is a requirement.

Wellbeing of children

There are countless of instances when children are given up for adoptions due to neglectful parents. This includes parents who are alcoholics or drug dependents. Parents who are substance dependents are not capable of rearing a kid. Worst situation is when the children are still living with their addicted parents and are sometimes subjects to maltreatment and abuse.

Heinous Unlawful Offense

Altered psychological patterns that cause loss of control and reasoning are effects which are experienced by an alcohol and drug dependent. Crimes such as theft, rape, assault, murder and other heinous offenses are often caused by substance abuse. It's essential that the addict must be handled under the guidance of the experts of drug rehabilitation programs in order to help alleviate the problem on alcohol and drugs before any crime is committed.

Illegal Custody of Drugs

Authorities who have caught you possessing prohibited drugs shall place you in their custody. The time you'll have to serve will depend on the gravity of your case. You can also face the consequences of parole and community service.

Career Blunder

People who use alcohol and drugs may have a hard time looking for a decent job. Companies seek possible workers who've no criminal record. Employees who're caught to be an alcohol or drug dependent will surely lose his job.

Revocation of Licenses

When an alcohol and drug addict commits a criminal offense, licenses may be cancelled or may not be released.

Drug and alcohol user and abuser should be aware of these legal consequences. There are alcohol and drug prevention campaigns that will surely educate the afflicted on what they need to do. People should work hand in hand to be able to assist in providing these substance abusers their needs to start a new and healthy life.

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