Saturday, August 4, 2012

Alcohol And Drug Addiction: Treating The Disorder To Achieve Total Recovery

Treatment programs for medicine and alcohol abuse vary from inpatient to outpatient programs to non-public psychiatric services and self-help groups. These programs may include giving education and counseling to substance users to help them recognize their problem and the importance of acquiring help.

Drug and alcohol abuse develops when an individual could not let a day pass without using a particular substance. According to specialists from drugs and alcohol rehabilitation centers, some abusers are persuaded to use drugs or alcohol to fit themselves in their group of friends or to satisfy their interest on the high effects of the substances. Selecting the best treatment approach based on an addict's situation is the best way for the client to obtain full recovery.

Treating Substance Abuse in its Early Development

People who are in the early stage of their dependence on substances should be treated through detoxification so that the traces of the substance can be eliminated form their body. They can be treated in a restricted environment when they admit themselves in an inpatient facility. When they withdraw from medications or alcohol, they may have withdrawal symptoms like nausea, seizures and diarrhea.


There are medication and alcohol treatment programs that use prescription medications to detach the patient from the substance that he is dependent on. A medicine like Antabuse may be used to alcoholics who will experience vomiting and nausea every time they drink alcohol. Their cravings for alcohol can be lessened by administering naltrexone. Meanwhile, those who are addicted to heroin can be administered with methadone, a substance that has the same effect as heroin but is less habit forming.

Psychological Diseases

Many drugs and alcohol addicts may also have co-existing mental problems. This dual diagnosis can be treated in drugs and alcohol treatment centers where medical professionals are employed to oversee a patient's recovery. Those who have double diagnosis can be treated with pharmacological treatments, therapy and ongoing support as well as follow-up.

Follow-Up Following Initial Treatment

Majority of medication and alcohol treatment programs include giving a follow-up treatment that is likely to include group or individual therapy as well as prolonged medical maintenance. The therapy may also cover social education therapy, behavioral change, motivational programs and family therapy. Most addiction specialists encourage clients to attend 12-step programs to have a support network that will help them prevent relapse.

Managing substance abuse at the earliest possible time is necessary in order to save an addict form getting more health complications that are likely to develop as he continues to ingest the substances.

Jose Smith is a writer on topics about alcohol treatment centers in Pittsburgh and features of alcohol rehabs in Greensboro

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