Saturday, August 4, 2012

Dinosaurs Of Mexico: T Rex

Some people find history to be desperately boring, but it all depends on what country and what time period you're studying. 18th century Canada is nowhere near as interesting as 11th century Britain. Mexico, for instance, has had a fairly turbulent and thus fascinating history, and it doesn't just involve the human inhabitants. The land was occupied by truly fantastical creatures before people came along.

Yes, dinosaurs. They fascinate all of us at some point, regardless of age, gender, or geographic location. The fossilized bones of the dinosaurs are testament to the immense age of Earth, and of the many creatures that long ago inhabited it, before humans were present. They are tantalizing; every new discovery raises more questions than it answers. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was truly unmatched as a terrifying creature.

This theropod dinosaur lived in western North America during the late Cretaceous period, between 67 and 65 million years ago. They were among the last dinosaurs to exist before the massive K-T extinction event that killed most life on Earth. The American Midwest was covered with water way back in the Cretaceous period and North America would not have looked anything like it does today, the west and east coasts separated by the large volume of water. With a range from Alberta to the northern areas of Mexico, the T-Rex had an impressive range.; it was one of the largest land-based carnivores in the world. Fossilized specimens measure 40 feet in length, and weight estimates range from five to seven tons.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex is so famous that it almost defies the need for description: it ran on two huge and powerful hind legs, and had a gigantic skull filled with sharp teeth and huge, forward-facing eyes. The creature's strong tail and powerful claws, no doubt were large contributors to its fantastic range. The T-Rex was either an apex predator--hunting other carnivorous animals--or a scavenger; over the decades, debate has continued. But it is known that those teeth were capable of crushing bones, and the forward-facing eyes are still found on predators to this day.

Because scientists have found several complete fossilizes of the animal, they know more about the T-Rex than they do about many other dinosaurs. This is an incredibly rare event; most dinosaur fossils are small collections of bones. But T-Rex remains have been relatively abundant; some have even contained preserved soft tissue and proteins. Researchers have been able to determine sexual dimorphism, possible cannibalistic tendencies, and even evidence that T-Rexes suffered from parasitic infections. With their intimidating skulls and massive size, it's no wonder that Tyrannosaurus Rex is the most recognizable dinosaur on the planet. If you thought that dinosaurs couldn't possibly have lived in your own backyard, think again; from the wine fields of Sonora to the deserts of Texas, your homestead was once the hunting ground of the Cretaceous Era's most famous predator.

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