Saturday, August 11, 2012

Effective Use Of Case Management For Drug And Alcohol Abuse

Case management is an excellent method of treating drug abuse since there'll be underlying issues besides the addiction itself. It was mentioned by the National Library of Medicine that about 70 percent of individuals who have been managed by experts of drug treatment centers will have a lifetime battle with depression. This is where case management comes in.

Assessment of the patient

Case administrators are in charge of case managements. They're tasked to look into a patient's requirements, weaknesses and strengths. Once a substance abuser manages by experts of drug treatment centers, assessment of their needs shall be performed effectively by the case manager.

Formulation of plans

Psychiatry Online states that substance abusers who have been handled by case managers are more likely to complete their drug therapy. Case management goes to the extent of helping the patient restore relationships, look for a job, and acquire a home. This will lead patients to a more productive and a renewed life.

Setting up objectives

Pillars of a case management involve planning, setting of goals and execution. This will be accomplished by the case managers and the recovering patient utilizing community resource plan that includes targets, approach and goals.

Putting goals into action

This is the moment when patients will start cooperating by participating in support group meetings like Narcotics Anonymous meetings, job hunting, and practically going back to the old, clean self. Patients during this period may suffer from relapses. It's the responsibility of case managers to oversee the patient's activity and aid them get back in case of any missteps.

Referral and resources checklist

Case management provides patients with contacts to social services. Significant factors include linking, overseeing, and advocacy that are needed when showing such resources. It is the task of a case manager to see to it that these resources are suitable for the patient's needs.

Persuading patients to commit to the utilization of resources

It's the duty of the patient to utilize the help which has been provided. Case managers see to it that the plan is carried out by the patient and the resource. Any situation which may arise is addressed appropriately by the case managers. But when the client is refused by the resource, then advocacy steps in to make sure those substance abusers will overcome the addiction.

Case management is important in the therapy of a substance abuser. The assistance will significantly help in achieving the objective, that will be made possible for substance abusers who are cooperative and case managers who are committed.

Jose Smith is a writer on topics about drug treatment programs in San Diego and features of drug rehabilitation programs in San Antonio

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