Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Many Health Risks Of Alcoholism

Everyone is aware that alcohol can lead to dependence. It is suggested to practice drinking in moderation as this generates unwanted effects resulting from dependence. Some of these side effects can be permanent if the dependency is not treated immediately. A person can free himself from addiction and the possible risks that comes with it through therapy.

Liver Damage

Liver has a innate capability to regenerate. Despite this capability, the negative effects of addiction to alcohol can prevent the normal function of organs. Liver has many great functions. It helps with digestion, assists in preventing bacterial infections, controls the sugar level in the blood and a lot more. Liver helps repair damaged tissues. Due to alcohol addiction, you liver can suffer cirrhosis preventing it from performing these tasks. This makes it really important to get prompt help for addiction.


One of the health problems that can develop due to irresponsible drinking is diabetes. The amount of fatty acids in the blood increases because of too much alcohol consumption. This is also one of the reasons why liver functions are interrupted. This can lead to weight problems which can then lead to diabetes. One of the many functions of the body is balancing glucose levels in the blood. Large consumption of alcohol can prevent this process. Also, alcohol metabolizes into carbohydrates or simple sugar. With continuous drinking, it is really possible for an alcoholic to develop diabetes. You can prevent the development of such disease by getting help with drug abuse promptly.


Your system would consider liquor as a toxin when you take it in. Some organs and systems in the body are dedicated in preventing your body from toxic compounds and encouraging cell repair. With too much consumption of liquor, your body halts its normal functions and focuses on treating the damage brought on by so much alcohol intake. Continuous consumption of liquor can lead to cancer in the upper digestive tract like the oral cavity and esophagus. This can also lead to cancer of the liver and the colon.


As part of health risks, we would also consider accidents and other injuries. Alcoholism has been involved in many tragedies. Vehicular accidents, accidental fire, and other injuries can happen to people who frequently drinks as their body is suffering from the side effects of alcohol consumption like disorientation, drowsiness, and loss of control.

Consumption of alcohol really demands moderation. In the event that you notice that you or a family member is beginning to develop dependence, it is better to quit now than experience any medical problems in the future. You can find many ways in treating alcoholism. You would even have greater chance of rehabilitation in starting therapy early.

You can pay a visit to help for drug addiction to know more about help with drug abuse

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