Thursday, August 16, 2012

Factors Behind Alcohol Addiction: Family Background And Way Of Living

Definitely, it's tough to see when a loved one's drinking habit has gone beyond irregular or moderate drinking. When an individual ingests alcohol to handle emotional pain, he is in danger of becoming dependent on the substance. Acknowledging the alcohol issue is the first step to recover from it.

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are developed because of interconnected factors that include a person's social environment, way of living, genetics and emotional health. Those whose family had a history of alcoholism or those who are related to heavy drinkers may develop issues with alcohol. Also, people who have a mental health problem like depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder may be in danger of developing an addiction to alcohol as they may use the substance to self-medicate.

In terms of drinking problems, alcohol addiction is the most serious form. It involves physical and mental dependence on alcohol. When a person suffers from this condition, he may feel sick whenever he is not able to ingest the substance. In fact, when he misses his regular consumption, he will have to undergo withdrawalsthat comes with symptoms which can be painful. Medical professionals say that treating addiction or alcohol abuse should be medically supervised.

Alcohol abuse can impact all aspects of a person's life. When used for a long-term, alcohol can cause critical health issues that affect every body organ such as the brain. A drinking problem can also damage finances, emotional stability, relationships and career. A lot of alcoholics may end up getting divorced, live in poverty or have problems with domestic violence.

It takes a lot of strengths to accept a drinking problem. But with the support of family members, the difficulty can be reduced. Just like treatments for drug abuse, treatments for alcoholism can help alcoholics begin a life that is free from alcohol. They can also get involved in self-help programs, undergo therapy or have a self-directed treatment technique. The continuing recovery of an alcoholic will depend on his ongoing mental health treatment, coping skills and decision-making abilities in managing challenges in life. A recovered alcoholic can stay alcohol-free for life when he is able to face the underlying issues which lead to his alcohol abuse or alcoholism. These may include an inability to deal with stress, depression and a childhood trauma. Such issues are likely to become prominent when the individual stops using alcohol to cover up the problems. However, he will be in a healthier state to address them and find the help that he needs.

An alcoholic who wishes to overcome his condition should accept that he has an alcohol problem so that he can proceed with seeking support and help.

You can check out treatments for addiction to know more about treating addiction

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