Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Preparing for College

Moving from high school to college is a big change in a young person's life and can appear to be very daunting. The chances are that many of the friends you made at high school will be going to different colleges and so you won't be seeing them on a daily basis.

However, take on the board the fact that practically everyone joining the college for the first will be experiencing the exact same things and will also not be seeing their regular friends.

Take going to college as a terrific opportunity to get better educated, learn about life, learn about yourself and make great new friends. Often the friends you make during your years at college are friends that you keep for the rest of your life.

Take time to prepare for going to college. This should actually start in the formative years at high school. For example the subjects you choose to take at high school will affect the type of college you can opt to apply to when the time comes. Set goals that you need to achieve as go through high school.

Don't think that just getting high grades at high school is enough to prepare you for college; they aren't. Many students believe that they can take easy subjects, which means they get high grades. However, although colleges do look at the high school grades, they also take account of the subjects you chose to take. Also remember, that the high school curriculum and therefore the grading system and results vary considerably across the U.S. This means that looking at high school grades doesn't always mean much to a college. That is why the SAT Reasoning Test and the ACT were introduced. Both are standardized tests which mean that colleges can evaluate a student's ability more accurately.

Start thinking about college entrance requirements early on. Check out the various college websites that you are considering applying to. Most if not all colleges will insist that you sit an entrance exam which will be the SAT or the ACT. Familiarize yourself with these examinations. Find out if the colleges you intend to apply are happy to accept the SAT or the ACT; many will accept either now.

When it comes to applying to colleges make sure complete your entrance and application forms accurately. The application form is the first thing a college is going to see from you. They don't know anything about you and have never met you. If you make spelling or grammatical mistakes on the application form it will not look very good and could potentially affect your ability to get into the college. Make sure you read and reread your application before sending it off. If you make a mistake, correct it neatly, or alternatively start over with a new application form.

If you decide to apply to college online then make absolutely certain you have completed the form correctly and read the instructions carefully. It is so easy to press the send button before you are actually ready; and once you've hit the button there is little you can do.

Written by Lawrence Reaves for SchoolTutoring Academy - - providing tutoring services online for students on all subjects including, Math, English and Science. In-depth tutoring for specialized courses such as chemistry, physics and biology are also available. Call 1-877-452-6669 to see how SchoolTutoring Academy can help.

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