Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Role Of The Family In Healing A Family Member's Alcohol And Drug Abuse

Due to the increasing number of adolescents who abuse drugs or alcohol and the seriousness of the effects, substance abuse in these young individuals has become a considerable issue for many families. According to rehab center for alcohol professionals, understanding drug or alcohol addiction can be started with acknowledging addiction as an issue that can be dealt with through the dedication of the client and his family.

Denial of the Problem

Drug or alcohol users tend to deny their condition when their family begins to confront them. Family members of an addict may notice the sufferer coming home late, vomiting at night and suffering from headache in the morning. Some parents are likely to interpret these conditions as symptoms of flu and other common illnesses and may not be troubled by such behaviors. However, when the abuser continues to endure the same conditions, the parents can begin to regard these as serious symptoms of other disorders such as substance abuse.

When such interpretation is made, everyone in the family should agree so that the client will be forced to tell the truth after his continuous denial. The family can also seek the assistance of a professional interventionist who will lead the confrontation and guarantee the addict that everyone will support him all the way through his recovery.

Available Therapies and Treatments

When the substance abuser is able to recognize his problem and agree to get a treatment, he needs to select the right alcohol rehab center that will examine his condition and have him supervised by experts. While it is likely that he will go through withdrawal symptoms as he will stop taking the substances to which he is addicted, the professionals may prescribe certain medications to relieve the symptoms. The patient should go through detoxification in order to safely remove the traces of the substances from his body. After the detoxification the patient is made ready for rehabilitation which is centered on helping him to stay substance-free forever and restore his life.

Family Counseling and Therapy

When advised, the family of the addict may undergo family counseling and therapy to help them understand the issue. This will also help them in acquiring necessary skills that can be useful in building up their relationships with one another. Family therapy can prevent the probability that the recovering addict will re-establish undesirable coping mechanisms.

Family intervention is important to help an addict recognize his problem and get the proper treatment that suits the severity of his condition.

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