Monday, August 6, 2012

Substance Abuse In Teens: Consequences And Prevention

Teenagers are likely to be engaged in drugs or alcohol in many ways. It is common for these young individuals to experiment with these substances. Unluckily, teenagers usually don't recognize the link between their present actions and their future effects. They may also feel immune to problems that are dealt with by other individuals.

Teens who use alcohol and drugs may experience bad effects on their health. Some them use these substances to experiment with them and stop; however, a number of adolescents may build up a dependency which will lead them to having a riskier habit that can be harmful to themselves and the individuals around them. According to alcohol rehabilitation specialists, identifying teens who will only try out and quit the substance use and those who may develop serious issues is not easy.

Effects of Alcohol and Drug Use

Both legal and illegal drugs can be misused by teens. Substances that are legally available which could be abused by them include prescribed medicines, alcohol, aerosols, inhalants and over-the-counter medications. Meanwhile teens may also abuse illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine, designer drugs and crack.

The use of drugs or alcohol is linked to various negative effects including addiction, school failure, relationship issues and poor judgment which could be the cause of teen violence, accidents, suicide and unsafe sex. While adolescents who are dependent on drugs and alcohol can be a problem of their family, they can also be a social problem when they are already involved in robbery, murder and other criminal acts which they perform to acquire a supply of the drugs that they have been abusing.

Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Techniques

Drug and alcohol addiction among adolescents can be prevented through various prevention programs which can start at home. Parents have the biggest role of making sure to keep their children away from these harmful substances. They should have enough time to know their kids' friends and routines. It is imperative for parents to have an open communication with their children, practice role modeling, identify developing problems and demonstrate responsible behavior because they have a great influence on these young individuals. Many alcohol rehab facility specialists say that drug or alcohol awareness programs can also be initiated through schools and community groups. Teachers, parents and active community members can utilize the media and other resources to make teenagers become aware of the effects of drugs or alcohol on their life and others.

Parents may identify the signs of substance abuse in their adolescents because of the physical, emotional and psychological effects of the habit. Concerned parents should talk to an expert to know the causes of their teen's addiction and have their condition assessed. This is important so that the expert can come up with the right treatment solution that fits the child's condition.

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