Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why Are Prescription And Over-The-Counter Drugs Being Abused

Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) in the well-known TV series "House" is a typical instance of how pain and regular consumption of prescription drugs can result in dependency and addiction. An excellent diagnostician, yet he fell to the trappings of analgesics. The dependency led to many troubles both in wellness and relationships. This is a TV show which does not only amuse, it also brings to focus how prescribed drugs is usually abused even by purportedly brilliant people and more so by young people unintentionally or deliberately. Just like any drug abuser who wishes to get better from the grips of addiction, Dr. House's only chance of recovery is through sessions under drug programs offered by rehabilitation clinics.

Some of the pharmaceuticals that are frequently taken advantage of aside from the analgesics are cough and cold syrups, antihistamine, antiasthma, diet pills, ephedrine, and sleeping pills. The abuse can occur innocently. In case the taking of any of these prescription drugs is critical to handle a discomfort, the gradual slipping to dependency frequently goes unseen. Addiction to these drugs may also be sought if one is already an addict who needs something to perpetuate addiction that is cheaper and a lot more obtainable. Either way, the abuser needs to be committed to a drug addiction rehab to put an end to the habit.

What makes these drugs more abused than other addictive elements available these days? Accessibility and being inexpensive - these are the two logic behind why prescription and OTC (over-the-counter) medicines are popular by drug addicts. While a few are regulated, majority are not. And, even if the medicine is a regulated drug, obtaining a prescription is something that wily addicts can do effortlessly. While some are not really addictive, these can be misused or mixed with other possibly addicting substances.

Cough syrups which contain dextrometorphan is among the most abused OTC drug if consumed in large quantities. Benadryl is another OTC drug meant for allergies and that can causes drowsiness is similarly massively abused by teenagers along with cold medicines which may contain pseudo-ephedrine. Ephedrine is used by bodybuilders to improve performance but which may be deadly when misused. Sleeping pills is another medication that is often abused as sleep becomes incredibly elusive with anxiety or some other reasons.

This is simply not the end of the list. There are lots of other prescription and OTC medicines which are being abused especially by young ones who can easily access these being not regulated and economical. Maybe some regulators need to step in as more and more kids fall prey to this kind of addiction.

Need to know more information about West Virginia drug addiction programs? Kindly go to vital facts about drug abuse rehab center in West Virginia

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