Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Way Anxious Individuals Acquire Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholics who wish to recover from alcohol addiction will have to take a long journey which can become more difficult when they also experience a psychological condition like anxiety. Indeed, it is normal for alcoholics to experience these two disorders. People who have been identified to have these problems will have double diagnosis.

Anxiety and alcoholism affect each other. If an individual begins to drink more alcohol, it is likely that his anxiety will become more serious. If he is anxious, he may use alcohol to feel batter. These problems have a strong relationship that they should be addressed simultaneously so the patient can totally recover. According to alcohol rehab center specialists it is difficult to identify which condition comes first and it depends on the individual.


Anxiety is commonly experienced by everyone. However, it becomes a concern when it already affects a person's skill to be successful at work, school and to keep healthy relationships. Individuals who are struggling with anxiety will have symptoms such as fatigue, worries and fears, trouble focusing, restlessness, sweating, nausea, difficulty sleeping and muscle tension.


Often, people drink occasionally to make friends or feel relaxed; however, they tend to abuse the substance as they start to consume it on a regular basis and at an increasing amount. Alcohol abuse affects the life of the person negatively and he will not be able to stop the habit easily. Alcohol dependency is developed when the person feels to ingest the substance every day. Trying to miss drinking will result in withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol addiction will have the person facing issues with the law as they might be involved in public troubles and drive while under the influence of alcohol. An alcoholic may also be at risk of losing his job or getting a divorce.

Available Treatments

Usually, alcohol rehab center specialists recommend therapy and medication to manage anxiety. However, it may not be safe to combine medications like benzodiazepine and antidepressants with alcohol. It is vital for a sufferer to stay sober before he will be prescribed with anxiety drugs. Alcohol dependency can be treated with detoxification, rehabilitation, 12-step programs, family or individual therapy and support group gatherings. The treatment needs of an addict will depend on the seriousness of his anxiety and the level of his alcohol consumption.

If you have a family member who has developed a dependence on alcohol, you should seek professional help for him. Stopping the drinking habit can be possible with clinical supervision as withdrawal symptoms can be critical and even fatal.

You can check out Georgia rehab center for alcohol to know more about alcohol rehab program in Oklahoma

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