Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Common Diseases in Trees and Shrubs

If you have a garden it will most likely have a few trees or shrubs, you may even have a lot of them. Whether you have one or lots, you need to make sure they don't get any diseases, so we've created a guide on how to spot the common diseases and what to do. In most cases you'll probably need to call in the tree surgeon, but some can also be dealt with yourself.

Many diseases can be caused by environmental factors so make sure you dispose of any fallen leaves from around the bottom of your trees and plants so they don't decay and spread disease. You also need to get the tree surgeon to prune your trees to encourage better air circulation, this makes the leaves dry quicker after rainfall and therefore they won't get any fungi.

Apple Scab

This is one of the most common diseases and occurs in apple and crab apple trees causing the trees to drop their leaves early. The leaves will have brown and black spots all over them. For chemical control myclobutanil and difenoconazole both protect against scab disease on apple and pear trees.

Black Knot

One of the more serious diseases, it can kill a tree within a couple of years if not treated properly. It affects fruit and branches, and starts as a soft green growth on the twigs and branches, before becoming hard black knots in autumn. It only affects certain types of trees, so ask the tree surgeon for advice. Prevention is the best way to stop Black Knot, so make sure you spray your trees with a fungicide each spring.

Needle Cast

A disease you will often see as it is quite common, it turns infected needles a brown red colour and this results in the needle dying and shedding. Needles affected by Needle Cast will look as though they have been scorched by fire. To get rid of Needle Cast the tree must be in well fertilized soil. A fungicide may also help the tree, and give the tree plenty of water as the disease is often caused by drought distress.


This causes brown, dry, patches on leaves which cause them to drop. Anthracnose generally targets trees in wet conditions, and makes the leaves curl up and die. To get rid of Anthracnose call in the tree surgeon to prune the infected parts and treat it as soon as you spot it, as severe anthracnose can kill a plant or tree if left untreated.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery Mildew is a very common problem in the summer, and it is caused by poor air circulation and dryness at the roots of the tree. You can help the issue by watering around the roots and then covering the base in mulch to help the tree retain the moisture. Also make sure you don't feed the tree high-nitrogen foods. There's no point using chemicals as the tree will get through the disease by itself as long as you follow the above instructions.

Artemis Tree Services provide their clients with a full range of professional tree care services to ensure your trees, shrubs and hedges remain healthy and beautiful. For more infomration about the tree surgeon visit

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