Saturday, January 5, 2013

Top Tips To Know About Pruning Trees

Looking after trees in your garden isn't necessarily a difficult task. They rarely need watering or any plant food as they absorb everything the need from the soil and the sun. To keep trees healthy however they need regular pruning. Tree surgeons must be skilled in this area so they can restore unwell trees to being healthy once again. And there are certain techniques to use to ensure trees are pruned in the best way.

Not All Trees Need Pruning

Every tree type grows differently; some season at different times of the year. Deciduous trees such as Oaks, Ash and Elms shed their leaves annually and tend to season at the same time, no matter what specie of tree they are. For these trees, it's best they are pruned when they are dormant in late autumn or winter. If they are pruned at any other time, such as spring, they'll tend to bleed sap. To make sure tree's don't decline prematurely this should be avoided.

The 'Deciduous Rule' Exception

Trees that are an exception to the 'deciduous rule' are those that bleed extensively throughout the year. Trees such as Birch, Walnut and Horse Chestnut cannot be pruned until mid-summer when they have matured. That way any sap they lose will be restored during their new growth.

The Dangers Of Topping Trees

Topping is an extremely harmful pruning technique to trees. It's still used regularly whereas other techniques have been introduced that are not as harmful to trees. Topping a tree is the name for the practice of cutting a tree branch down to a stub. This practice is harmful as stubs allow decay to form more easily within the tree.

How To Stop Decay

In order to cut the branch without leaving a stub, tree surgeons must cut just beyond the branches collar - making a clean, swift cut close to the tree trunk. If the branch is rather long, do it in stages to ensure the cut is clean. Cutting this close the tree allows it to heal itself and stops any decay from attacking the tree.

Trees Protected By Preservation Orders

The level of pruning is limited on trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders. These orders protect trees from being felled or pruned due to the rarity or history of the tree. Permission is required from local councils before any work can be carried out on trees protected by Preservation Orders.

Wassells Aboricultural Services Ltd is a small family business with over 35 years experience working as tree surgeons in London. They provide an expert service in all aspects of tree surgery and management. For more information about tree surgeon firm in London visit

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