Wednesday, May 1, 2013

How To Use Persuasion For Results

Persuasive speaking is useful. If you master it, you will be able to convince people of your position or motivate people to do and think things that they never thought of before. Here are some steps to the art of persuasion. Persuasive speaking is useful. If you master it, you will be able to convince people of your position or motivate people to do and think things that they never thought of before. Here are some steps to the art of persuasion. Note: Examples will be given from Charles De Gaulle's speech given in Algiers. He gave this speech to a large group of French nationals who were ready to fight the Algerians to the death to keep it colonized, but De Gaulle knew that a revolutionary war was costly and mostly useless. This is widely regarded as one of the best persuasive speeches of all time.

Always focus on the end result. Your purpose is to make someone think something or make someone do something. Everything you do should have the intention of reaching that goal. Aristotle noticed that using logic (logos) is perhaps the worst way to accomplish this. Arousing a strong emotional bond to your point of view or fear and doom to the opposing views (pathos) and tying your position to deeply-rooted, commonly-held beliefs (ethos) is the key to success.

Talk in an interesting voice; you don't want your audience to get bored listening to you.

Here is an example of good persuasive speaking:

You: I haven't seen you guys in a long time. I'm glad we get to hang out like this.

Friend 1: Yeah.

Friend 2: Definitely.

You: I've been working so hard this week, I haven't had time to have any fun at all. As a matter of fact, I haven't seen a movie in ages.

Friend 1: Which movie are we going to see?

You: I don't really care. I heard the Departed got really good reviews though. What did you guys want to see?

Friend 2: I don't care either. That sounds good.

Friend 1: Yeah, that sounds good to me too.

Notice how you established a bond with your friends, subtly made them feel pity for you and then expressed a universal truth. This is the best way to convince people of your position. The key is that you never explicitly said that you wanted to see the Departed. It's implied. Your opinion was not forced on them with the expectation that they should cater to your desires.

Don't let people know that you are expressing an opinion. Convince them that you are uncovering a universal truth. Who can disagree with that?

Keep your language poetic. It's not what you say, it's how you say it. Empathy is the key to all types of persuasion. Say something and assess how the audience reacts. If it is a negative reaction, you said something wrong. If it is a positive reaction, you said something right. Pay close attention to your audience but do not worry. It's that simple.

For more information on how to convince anyone to do anything, check out this site:
Another article I'm sure you'll like is this 20 Persuasion Review:

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