Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mistakes Not To Make With Women

Keep these things in mind and you'll get more of what you want from women and less of what you don't. Take care in what subjects you discuss with women and the language you use. This learned skill makes you a welcomed guest with the ladies and it gives you a reputation of having class!

When approaching a girl and meeting women, not touching her. This is probably the biggest mistake I see. Guys approach girls, they talk to them, but there's very little physical contact. You can even make it as gentle as just putting your hand on her lower back and touching her softly. This shows your intent, and it shows your courage and the fact you're a gentleman, but I constantly see guys approach girls, and they don't do this at all. It's a massive mistake.

The guys that are good at business have some sort of special sensor for opportunities. It's the same with women. You've got to be a real opportunist and you've got to be able to make the most of them. In an average night out, when you go to a bar or nightclub, each and every guy gets at least two or three opportunities to have sex. It's just whether you see them and whether you can act on them. That's all that matters.

The following list of what women want is based on research and informal interviews. Although this information is intended for men, women may benefit from reading it as well.

What Women Want in a Man

A man who dresses well & appropriate to occasion.

A man who keeps his body in shape.

A man who has the same values and principles as her.

A man who has the same vision for the future as she.

A man who can be loyal to her.

A man who can be vulnerable but strong.

A man who she can love forever!

Myths About What Women Want

All women want a man with a full head of hair. Not true. There is a small percentage of women who don't like bald or balding men. Some women like or even prefer bald men. Whether a man is bald or balding is not a top concern for most women. This is especially true if the man is not consumed by his hair loss and is generally comfortable in his own skin.

For more information on how to be successful with women, check out this site:
Another article I'm sure you'll like is the Make Small Talk Sexy Review:

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