Saturday, June 23, 2012

Benefits of a Physical Security Course to Obtain a Certificate in Security

Let's face it, with such an increasing workforce, getting hired is becoming more and more intense. With the availability for online and alternative education, more people are able to pursue higher education, which offers even greater competition. Some people, however, may not be able to afford the costs associated with getting a degree, and need to seek less expensive alternatives. Certificate courses provide an excellent alternative to those who find themselves short on money and even time. The certificate provides the holder a sign of competency within a field of study. The protection/ security field is no exception, with many schools offering a physical security course that provides a certificate in security.

As cost is always a factor, schools that offer a certificate in security course often provide them at a fraction of the cost of their degree programs. Sometimes these courses cost less than associate degree programs at the same school. Many certificate courses run between $4,000- 7,000, as opposed to the $10,000 or more for an Associate Degree and up to $25,000 or more for a Bachelor's. A certificate course offers an affordable option to someone wishing to elevate their formal education.

Certificate courses also offer other benefits besides being less expensive. A physical security course directed towards a certificate in security is less time consuming than degree programs. These courses offer an in-depth look at the specifics within the security industry while eliminating the general education aspects required for degree programs. The courses are often set up in blocks that can be taken when it best suits the student, as opposed to the tighter timelines required in degree programs. This allows greater flexibility in schedules, so for those in the military, police officers on rotating shifts, or anyone on a shifting schedule, these courses can often be completed before schedules change. Some schools may offer compacted courses that can be completed in 6 months or less, while others may have the course broken into blocks that require a longer overall completion time, but require less intensity during the course of instruction.

Even a person who already holds a degree might find benefits in obtaining a certificate in security. A person with a degree might have selected certain elective courses, but desires the information in other classes not taken. A certificate program allows the student to go back and take the additional classes and receive "credit" for the classes. The course may also showcase a specialized knowledge within the field of security not necessarily advertised by the degree itself.

A person will never be wrong for trying to better themselves with education. With the current costs of education rapidly increasing, the opportunity for some to pursue a degree program may be greatly diminished. For others, the degree they hold may not be suited for what they truly want to do. They may be looking for a change, or simply looking to enhance their educational background for personal development. For these reasons and others a physical security course that provides a certificate in security may provide the background desired and needed to move their career to the next level. The costs and time requirements make certificate programs very attractive and the specific knowledge presented allows for focused attention in the security field. Anyone who finds themselves in any of the categories above would do well to find a school that offers a program suited to their needs.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, physical security course, certificate in security, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

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1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree with you that current costs of education rapidly increasing and your Security Course is so Cheap Nice job keep it up
