Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lower Back Pain Left Side - Top Ten Reasons

Lower back pain on the left side has become a day-to-day issue to the majority of us. However, it is sometimes complicated for medical practitioners to locate the precise reason for the condition because there are lots of reasons for this serious pain. Generally, even with extensive examination , medical professionals find it hard to establish the particular source of the lower back pain left side.

By recognizing the normal causes , you will be able to correctly obtain a cure for the pain on the lower left side of the back . The usual symptoms vary from a dull painful sensation to acute pain, which makes it very hard to stand properly and walk around.

In the event that the back pain continues for more than ninety days, then it could be described as chronic. It is essential to seek the advice of a healthcare professional in the event the condition lasts persistently for 72 hours. The following are the top ten main reasons behind lower left back pain in no selected order.

Back and SpinalProblems

Complications with the spinal cord is yet another common reason of low back pain on the left side . These complications could very well range from misalignment to herniated discs . Spine ailments are treated with surgery , physical therapy , drug treatments or chiropractic alignment .

Treatment of back and spine complications may or may not treat the lower back pain on the left side . Anyway , by dealing with the reason behind these back and spinal ailments you are likely to cure the serious pain . The underlying cause of spine or back issue is muscle imbalance , which could be healed through a variety of treatment programs.

Presence Of Kidney Stone

Kidney stones are the more common reason of lower back pain on the left side . Certain typical symptoms useful to identify kidney stone consist of difficulties with urination in addition to spots of blood in the urine . Standard urine test can be carried out to check if you are truly affected by kidney stones . Once they are discovered , most of them are simple to cure . Daily diet usually has a sizable role in the development of kidney stones .

Digestive Problems

Yet another reason is stomach and intestinal ailments . Pains brought by digestive problems is intermittent , and it is sometimes experienced at some periods of the day or just after consuming certain foods . But , the cause of these particular problems may just be an imbalance of the muscle surrounding the abdomen and low back . Taking care of this imbalance , resolves both your gastrointestinal disorders , and also the pain on your lower left back side .

Pulled Muscle

Some individuals involve themselves in vigorous exercise routines that resulted in traumas or perhaps soreness of muscle tissues on their low back . There are actually medical tests that can be done to look for injury or perhaps inflammation of muscles . The taxing work outs may also result into a pinched nerve or sometimes compression along the spinal column . This could result in a lot of pain in the lower back . If this is the explanation for the back pain on the lower left side , correct diagnosis by the doctor will lead to best suited medical treatments .

Fall or Sports Injury

In the event of acute back pain after a fall or injuries suffered from sports , it is essential to consult with a doctor without delay . The back pain might not be overbearing right after the injuries or fall . Though , if it happens to be preceded by symptoms such as fever , weakness of the lower limbs , and also losing bowel or bladder control , it is necessary to speak to a doctor immediately .


Back pain on the lower left side might be caused by muscle strain owing to intense working out or even picking up heavy objects . Sciatic nerve pain is a condition whenever the muscle tissue strain is too much that it bulges or ruptures a disc on the spinal column . The ruptured disc then presses on the sciatic nerve which in turn causes pain on your lower back .

Your Posture

Your lower back hold up our body weight best when we are seated or stand up straight. Hold the proper posture while you are sitting or standing upright to protect against pain on the lower left side of the back.

Bag Or Job

If it happens that your job demands carrying around bulky objects or perhaps a heavy bag , you are usually likely to experience low back pain on the left side . Although you may carry the bag on the shoulder , the lower back is the part that supports the upper torso . Carrying heavy items may stress muscle on the lower back which causes the pains


As our lower backs support just about all our weight , and the more we are overweight , the larger the probability of experiencing pain on your lower left back side .

Chronic conditions

Spondylitis is an extended complication of back pain as a result of extreme inflammation of the vertebra .

Learn More About Treatments for Lower Back Pain at


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