Sunday, June 10, 2012

How To Prevent A Knife Wound With A Stab Proof Vest

A stab proof Vest is actually a reinforced part of body armour which is worn under or above the other clothing. The vest is mainly designed to resist knife attacks on the chest, sides, and back. The stab proof vests are different from the bullet proof vests as these are aimed at protection from knifes and other sharp elements. The bullet proof vests are mainly aimed at protection from firearm projectiles but do not provide any protection against sharp tipped objects. At the same time stab proof vests afford little protection against bullets, particularly the high calibre bullets. While buying vest people should be well aware of their requirements and threats they face. If one is under the threat of facing any attack from knifes or other sharp objects then Stab Proof Vests are best for them as these prohibit the penetration beyond few millimetres and prevent some serious injuries.

In the mid-1980s there were tests conducted on the body armours by using an ice pick as a test penetrator. This test method was mainly done to stimulate the capacity of human attacker to deliver impact energy with their upper body part. A drop mass or sabot was used in the test and overstated the capacity of human attackers. With the help of the gravitational force the height above the drop mass of the vest was directly proportional to the impact energy. The test had specified 109 joules of energy and a 7.3 kg drop mass. The drop height was of 153 cm and the ice pick was of around 4mm in diameter having sharp tip of 5.4 m/s terminal velocity. In this test mainly titanium or steel plates were successful in addressing the requirements and at the start the knife or cutting edge weapons were not used. These certifications were only with the ice picks and did not have equal performance against the cutting edge threats.

A PSDB study was conducted and it was mainly based on the weapons that are commonly used in the stabbing attacks. The level of impact energy generated by young men during the attack was another point of discussion here. This study resulted in minimum performance ratings for the armour used in UK as per the PSDB publication 6/99. In the year 2007 the PSDB was replaced by the Home Office Scientific Development Branch publication No. 39/07/C [1], it governs the stab resistant body armour performance in UK. There are no standalone ratings for spike resistance in UK. It is important for a stab proof vest to carry a spike resistance rating in UK and pass the minimum knife resistance performance test. The stab proof vest is worn by the US army personnel that perform law enforcement operations like confining war prisoners, overseeing civilian internees, and protection against homemade weapons and handguns. It provides protection to the torso against the 9mm full jacket 124 grain bullet and meets California Ice Pick standard.

Extra durable Stab Proof Vests can be purchased online. NIJ Level 2 stab proof vest protection made from 100% Kevlar® at

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