Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mexican Independence - The life And Times Of Hidalgo

One of the great heroes of Mexico, and the "Father of his country", was the central figure in the war of independence, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla (born in the mid 18th century). He is considered a great figure of the nation historically, because he was the first Mexican leader to actually encourage insurrection against the Spanish colonization of the country. The tyranny of the Spaniards during their occupation of Mexico, finally came to a head, as a groundswell of downtrodden citizens decided to revolt. His army, contrary to many written accounts, was actually a huge mob of angry peasants who then sought to realize their own agenda, and take back their rights. Hidalgo recognized the fact that anger of the people had been simmering just below the surface for decades (centuries actually), and only a small nudge was needed to mobilize them into action. This was easily accomplished by Hidalgo, who didn't even need inflammatory speeches, or strong rhetoric, to call the people to action.

While his hatred of the Spaniards, or the "gachipines", is well documented and recognized, even he was shocked at just how much anger and venom he had released. If one can picture a flash mob of angry roaming people, this was essentially his "army' - unified by a single cause, but out of control and dangerous. His leadership and practices were regarded as questionable at best, he approved of violence and looting as acceptable forms of rebellion. Because of this, Hidalgo ended up alienating some rather important potential allies to his cause - most of the middle class and wealthier citizens of Mexico wanted nothing to do with him or his cause. Because of their stature and wealth, they could have legitimized Hidalgo's "army" and turned his cause into a legitimate movement. The revolting masses were hell-bent on venting their rage and stealing back their wealth; they weren't as a group, in the frame of mind to consider the rebuilding of the nation, or of working to build a new, improved Mexico.

It is often speculated that Hidalgo could have revolutionized Mexico had it not been for a crucial tactical decision, a decision later considered to be his eventual downfall. He mobilized his army rather quickly - the first 600 men were ready within minutes, within two weeks there were 30,000 men assembled - it continued to grow and by the time he was ready to move in on Mexico City itself, the numbers were almost reaching six figures in strength. The Spanish Viceroy, fearing an impending attack, quickly set about mobilizing an attack force - 1000 soldiers, 400 additional soldiers on horses and two large cannons was all that was available on short notice. The Viceroy's forces and Hidalgo's mob army clashed on October 30, 1810 at Monte De La Cruces and the battle was more than lopsided; when Hidalgos men captured the two cannons, the remaining Spanish forces retreated immediately. Hidalgo was now set to take Mexico City back from the Spaniards; but instead his victory at De La Cruces was about to put into motion his undoing.

Hidalgo and his mob could have easily taken back Mexico City; morale was at it's pinnacle and they certainly had the numbers. However, it was when victory was within reach that Hidalgo made a rather surprising decision - he would not take the army to Mexico City. While there is no historical basis to prove any particular theory as to why he chose not to attack, it is oft speculated that Hidalgo was tiring of the violence and looting and destruction he was leaving in his wake and decided to spare the people of Mexico city from the inevitable collateral damage he knew many would suffer. The other popular theory was that Hidalgo knew that the largest compliment of the Spanish army was nearby and that he feared a confrontation with an organized, heavily armed force (the army was in fact at ready, but even if they had been deployed to stop Hidalgo's army, they would not have succeeded). In any event, not taking Mexico City was Hidalgo's undoing, a tactical error that was large enough to derail all the prior efforts.

Eventually, Hidalgo was captured and was to stand trial with other rebel leaders. Because Hidalgo was also a priest, he was required to stand trial as a civilian and be tried by the inquisition. The civil trial resulted in his being stripped of his priesthood and everything that title entailed. Death was felt to be an acceptable form of punishment by the inquisition. Hidalgo was executed on July 30, 1811. After his death, his head, along with three other heads belonging to revolutionaries, were hung on display at the four corners of the granary of Guanajuato, the scene of Hidalgo's first serious strike against the Spaniards.

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