Monday, June 25, 2012

Gain Cultural Competency And Learn Spanish In Buenos Aires

In today's global society, understanding different cultures and speaking different languages is increasingly valuable. With the rise in the desire to learn new languages have come new teaching methods and new technologies, but the truth is that the simple, fun method of cultural immersion and language lessons remains the most effective way of learning. This is great news for anyone who loves to travel! If you're interested in learning Spanish, why not consider a cultural immersion experience in Buenos Aires?

Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is a beautiful city that boasts a well-rounded culture inclusive of many aspects. From tall, modern buildings to lovely white beaches, it is the perfect setting for learning another language. Imagine walking past Casa Rosada (the presidential palace) on your way back from class, passing the tango dancers on a nearby plaza and then sinking your feet into the white sand and listening to the waves as you study your Spanish lesson for the day. As you walk back to your apartment in the old colonial section, the San Telmo district, you stop to buy fresh fruit at an open market and practice the vocabulary words you learned in your last lesson with the vendor.

This is a far brighter picture than one of you using a do-it-yourself computer software as you sit on your couch and struggle to make sense of what you are learning. Who wants to learn Spanish by labeling and sticking post it notes to everything in sight in your house? If you decide to learn Spanish in Buenos Aires, not only will it be a faster, more effective way to grasp the language, it will also add to your life experiences, giving you the one on one interaction you need to understand the culture that goes hand in hand with a language.

Oftentimes, when someone is taking classes, but is not immersed in the culture, the knowledge of the vocabulary and grammatical structure is present, but when that person is put into a situation where conversation with a native speaker is necessary, the competency is not as great as before thought. This is why immersion has such great benefits. For example, when someone from Argentina uses the word, "muletilla", during conversation, it really means nothing significant at all. This would be the same as the English use of the word, "right", a filler word we use to show we understand or are listening. This is one instance where being immersed in the culture of the language is so beneficial, as little things like this might not be taught in a classroom. Also, there usually seems to be an issue of speed for most people. Many times when learning another language, in particular Spanish, it is difficult to understand the person with whom you are speaking because they speak so rapidly. When immersed, the rapidity of the language becomes familiar and comfortable, and will eventually not be an issue.

So whether you are the adventurous type looking for an educational thrill, a business person seeking to gain cultural competency and language proficiency, or someone who simply would like the experience of another culture to master Spanish, Buenos Aires is a fabulous choice. It has something to offer everyone regardless of your background or personality. Step out into the wide open culture of Buenos Aires, Argentina and embrace the opportunities that wait you!

Students that learn Spanish in Buenos Aires via Latin Immersion receive internionally-accredited Spanish instruction plus cultural lessons. The Spanish school in Buenos Aires, Argentina is located in the comfortable neighborhood of Recoleta. Details =>

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