Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Cost And Aftermath Of The Revolution

The Mexican Revolution began in 1910, and didn't really abate until 1929--a period of almost twenty straight years of various uprisings, counterrevolutions, and violent protests. Guerrilla generals like Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapatas had made their mark, helping to overthrow plutocrats like Porfirio Diaz and dictators like Victoriano Huerta. Even so, any effort to bring an end to the fighting seemed doomed to cause more chaos; each President came into power with his own agenda and quickly became corrupt.

While Venustiano Carranza was president (after leading the charge to oust Huerta), he'd commissioned the writing of a new version of the Mexican Constitution in 1917, with the hope of bringing some peace to the nation. Before many of his desired changes could be implemented, he was unfortunately assassinated in 1920.. High hopes were placed on Alvaro Obregon, due to his ability to bring stability to Mexico, unfortunately he turned out to be just as corrupt as previous Presidents.

Obregon hand-selected the next Presidential successor, Plutarco Calles. In the end, 90,000 lives were lost during the second half of the Revolution (the Cristero War), and this was because of his new anti-religion laws, that resulted in increased violence from 1926-1929. The three presidents that followed him were mere puppets to his agenda, and he continued to rule the country behind the scenes, even after his term ended in 1928.

Some people contend that the Cristero War was not the final phase of the Revolution before it ended, however, this is considered the end of the major fighting by most historians. It wasn't until Lazaro Cardenas was made the President of Mexico in 1934 that the 1917 Constitution was implemented in an effective way; he abolished capital punishment, proving that he could govern without the use of violence, and ensured that the army had significantly less power over the legislature. He was also the first leader to voluntarily step down from his post once his term ended, marking the first legal transition of power in recent Mexican history.

The loss to Mexico is believed to be in the neighborhood of 2.1 million people over the course of the Revolution, a massive demographic cost. Only Obregon and Villa lived past 1920, from the group that comprised the Big Four men, and both were violently killed. The ideals and goals of Zapata and Carranza also resulted in their untimely deaths. Francisco Madero, the man who helped in the overthrow of Porfirio Diaz, was also overthrown and murdered while in office. But the two major oppressors of the Mexican people, Porfirio Diaz and Victoriano Huerta, died in relative comfort while in exile from the country. The economy and population would take decades to recover in any sort of meaningful way.

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