Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alcohol Addiction: The Near End Of An Addict's Life

Having a family member who is at the later stage of alcohol addiction can be difficult and depressing. This stage can be the end of the person's life or the end of his drinking days. During this time, the alcoholic may be suffering from serious health effects.

People often start a drinking habit in an attempt to relieve physical or emotional pain. However, they may not realize that their alcohol addiction has become the cause of more problems which also impact the people around them. Alcohol addiction causes worries to families, workplaces and communities. According to alcohol rehab facility professionals alcohol dependency in the final stage may not be treated easily.

Strong Desire to Drink

An alcoholic whose alcohol dependency is at the final stage has a life that is revolved around alcohol. Often, he has a compromised career, family life and relationship. He tends to disregard other needs such as shelter, water and food. Surprisingly, a lot of late-stage alcoholics may still deny their problem. They continue to blame everything, except alcohol, for what is happening in their life. It is also likely that an addict will stay away from situations and settings where their intoxication can be criticized and recognized. This usually causes isolation. Late-stage alcoholism can result in homelessness, bankruptcy and divorce. In this stage, an alcoholic is often drunk for several days.

Physical Dependence on Alcohol

During the later stage of alcoholism, an alcoholic is not only enduring mental and social issues but also physical problems. He may be experiencing serious symptoms when he is not able to drink alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal which induces extreme disturbance to the brain can cause delirium tremens. When the person stops or reduces the amount of alcohol that he takes in, he may experience an increase in blood pressure, body temperature, respiration and heart rate. Some alcohol rehabilitation experts warn that an alcoholic's mind can be damaged by delusions, nightmares and hallucinations while delirium tremens is experienced.

Common Diseases

Alcoholics who are in the final stage of their drinking can have cirrhosis as his liver becomes scarred. Late-stage alcohol addiction may also cause a patient to experience esophageal cancer, brain damage and cardiovascular disorders.

If someone you know is experiencing late-stage alcohol addiction, it is essential to help him get a suitable treatment to save him from getting more health issues. There are available alcohol rehabilitation facilities that have professionals who will supervise the patient and help him handle his condition.

Need to know more details about alcohol rehabilitation in Connecticut? Kindly visit important facts about Colorado rehab center for alcohol

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