Monday, July 30, 2012

Excessive Drinking-The Issues Of Alcohol On An Individual's Behavior

Alcohol consumption has been culturally accepted as part of many people's lives.Throughout the history, many people have been consuming alcohol for varied reasons. Some use alcohol to fit in with other persons in a gathering, to change their normal awareness, increase confidence, loosen up existing social situations and avoid personal problems. Others are also consuming the substance for pleasure.

Alcohol can influence a person's behavior psychologically, emotionally, socially and physically. Worst situations could happen when he becomes addicted to the substance. Generally, alcoholism puts a person into a lot of troubles with the law, creates problems in the family and increases the risk of acquiring health complications.

A person's perception changes radically once he consumes alcohol. Depending on his body's response towards the substance and his purpose, drinking for many individuals with low self esteem will boost their confidence. Some claim that they feel the sense of euphoria and relaxation when drinking. Experts of alcohol addiction state that like any other addictive substances, alcohol can expose anyone to a dangerous situation when uncontrolled drinking continues for longer periods of time. People who are intoxicated especially those who are addicted will have less capability to make good decisions and will display violent behaviors.

Normally, people who consume higher quantities of alcohol will experience emotional changes. Some may exhibit rage while others will become so depressed for no reason. According to experts of alcohol addiction, the social effects of alcohol can be considered as the biggest reason why people drink in the first place. Those who are not comfortable to stay in crowded places especially on social gatherings usually use alcohol to feel at ease and mingle with other people. However, people who have been drinking excessively are more vulnerable to fights, unprotected sex and violent acts.

The physical influences of alcohol to an individual are more dangerously seen in drunk drivers. The law has restricted anyone to operate a moving automobile while intoxicated as alcohol can damage a person's perception, vision and motor skills. Although some people believe that they can still drive in a few drinks, their physical abilities have been impaired by alcohol and it would be very risky to take chances as they will not only put themselves in danger but the other road users as well. When an individual is physically affected by alcohol, he may not be able to walk normally as well as run and stay away from risky situations to keep himself safe.

The effects of alcohol in a person's behavior may vary depending on how his system reacts to the amount of alcohol he consumed. The higher the volume, the greater chances of exhibiting chaotic behavioral traits that often result in criminal acts.

You can go to alcohol dependency to know more about

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