Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ways To Confirm An Individual's Dependency On Alcohol

Anyone who thinks that a member of his family is suffering from alcoholism should know signs and symptoms of alcohol dependency. Some individuals who drink repeatedly may become physiologically dependent on alcohol. But some of those who abuse alcohol tend to drink excessively without developing physical dependence on the substance.

Alcohol addiction affects a number of individuals physically, mentally and emotionally. Alcoholics may have problems with their work, relationships and family interaction. According to inpatient alcohol program professionals, it is imperative to know the signs of alcohol dependency so that loved ones can help sufferers get an immediate cure. Here are the signs and symptoms of alcohol dependency.

Secretive Consumption of Alcohol

When individuals secretly drink alcohol, they may have developed dependency on the substance. For men, it is a reasonable drinking when they have a couple of drinks every day. Meanwhile, a single drink daily is moderate for women. For adults who don't have medical issues, moderate consumption of alcohol is not bad. Individuals who don't want anybody to know about their alcohol consumption may be scared of being confronted or criticized. Usually, alcoholics deny their alcohol problem and will always have reasons and excuses to warrant their actions.

Lack of Personal Care

As alcoholics are more focused on getting and drinking alcohol, they may not care about how they look. It is likely that they will ignore dental hygiene, neglect shaving, wear dirty clothing and forget about getting a hair cut as well as having a shower. Alcohol can be smelled on an alcoholic's breath.

Consuming Alcohol First Thing in the Morning

An individual may be experiencing alcohol addiction when the first thing he does when he wakes up is to drink alcohol. He may have excuses for this action such as to calm his nerves, to reduce pain and alleviate shakiness.

Regular Alocohol Consumption

Some inpatient alcohol rehabilitation professionals say that as people drink alcohol regularly, they will develop tolerance which results in the need to consume more alcohol in order to feel the same effect. When not able to drink, the alcoholic may undergo withdrawal.

Poor Nutrition

Too much use of alcohol will inhibit the body from getting important nourishment. As the individual ingests more alcohol than his regular foods, he won't be able to get the vitamins and minerals that his body needs to function properly. Weight loss, poor dietary habits, inadequate hydration and poor skin turgor are signs of poor nutrition that results from alcoholism.

If you have a family member who has an alcohol issue, it is important to identify his problem and let him know about it so that he can be brought to a dependable alcohol rehab facility. This will save him from getting more severe health issues.

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