Friday, July 20, 2012

Effective Substance Abuse Awareness Activities Designed For Middle School

The youth must be supplied with sufficient and reliable data on alcohol and drug addiction, its effects and consequences for them to choose a healthy lifestyle. Activities, such as the following will significantly influence them to take charge of their own lives and not to depend on the use of alcohol and drugs:

National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIAD)

NIAD is a site that's in partnership with teens and scientists. One activity involves teens who share their testimonies about alcohol and drug use. NIAD makes sure that the teenagers learning activities are enjoyed not endured. Activities include games, simulations and tests. Moreover, the American Council for Substance Abuse has a website which gives interactive quizzes on drugs which are printable.

Role Playing

Youths are always prepared to set their emotions free making them excellent role players. The scenario should include them saying "no" to peer pressure or parents teaching their children on the harmful effects of the use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs and the lifetime effects after their stay in treatment facilities under the guidance of experts of drug rehabilitation programs. This role playing will help them internalize the part that they have played and will result to discussions of feelings or exchanges of minds. The students can also be asked to write about what they feel about the roles they've portrayed.

Drug-Free Related Activities in the School

Activities like poster-making and writing competitions can be held in schools which promote drug and alcohol dependency prevention. This event may prepare these youths to advocate the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse prevalence. It can also instill awareness, that will surely help in the promotion of a drug-free society.

Assessment Report on Drugs and Alcohol Through Internet

Let these junior students browse the web and make a report on a drug they have selected to work on. Instruct them to assess the effects of the drug which can include information on drug rehabilitation programs from the point of view of values, lawful matters, viewpoint and safety. They can be asked to report the result of their research.


Middle school teachers can make use of this educational and interactive website. It's a database of educational channel which provides video clips, PowerPoint presentations, and animations that are classified by topics. It also offers teachers with data that is equivalent to lesson plans on alcohol and drugs. Students can also make use of this site.

Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction awareness activities in school should be sustained. These school activities will surely invite participation from students. The non-traditional methods of instilling to the young minds are effective ways to induce awareness.

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