Saturday, July 28, 2012

Factors That Cause An Individual's Alcohol Dependency-Biological, Psychological And Social

Alcohol addiction is a condition where individuals consume higher amounts of alcohol that conflict with their personal responsibilities and mental and physical wellness. Some causes of alcoholism can be biological and others are psychological in nature. There are also other individuals who got their addiction from cultural or social factors. Learning these factors can help a person avoid alcohol drinking issues in the future.

Addiction to alcohol can adversely affect a person's life, causing broken family relationships, job loss and obtaining lethal health complications such as cirrhosis or worse. According to experts of alcohol treatment centers, understanding the underlying causes of a person's addiction is an important part of finding the right treatment to solve the problem.

Mental Factors

In many cases, alcohol addiction is psychological and does not have a particular physical basis. Many people who have deep emotional troubles often turn to alcohol to escape and clear their minds from disturbances temporarily. Others who have a high level of stress at work, in school and at home use the substance to deal with the pressure. Alcohol can influence the hormones in the body that control the stress responses level making a person feel psychologically relieved from those discomforts.

Boiological Aspects

Genetics are also linked to many cases of alcohol addiction. Some medical professionals of alcohol rehabilitation centers state that there are specific genetic factors that are causing young people to get engaged in excessive drinking early. Those who grow up with biological parents who have a history of alcoholism would acquire the problem. The condition is said to be passed down to a family member from one generation to another.

Cultural Influences

Alcohol has been glorified in many culture and societies all over the world. Movies, televisions and promotions are tempting many individuals to drink which often leads to alcoholism. The proof of their influences can be seen on teenagers who usually imitate the pleasure of drinking that they usually see from adults promoting different types of alcoholic beverages. The epidemic of drinking behaviors in the community makes it difficult for anyone to recognize his addiction to alcohol. Most alcoholics may not be aware of their problem and the destructive behavior that they are doing until major complications will occur.

Regardless of all the causes of alcoholism, this situation can mess up a person's life. In the future, when an alcoholic come to recognize his addiction, it may be difficult for him to refrain from drinking since he has already developed psychological and physical dependence on alcohol. However, alcohol addiction is a treatable illness and there are many rehabilitation facilities that can provide treatment programs specifically for alcoholics.

Jose Smith is an author on topics about alcohol treatment centers in Memphis and features of alcohol rehab centers in Tucson

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