Friday, February 22, 2013

Reducing Online Shopping Cart Abandonment

The most frustrating thing when shopping online is waiting for web pages to load or clicking on a link for an 'error' page to appear. These are some of the main causes why users shopping online will abandon their digital "carts". Businesses aren't always aware this is happening to them, or the procedures to reduce it. Read on to find out how reducing online shopping cart abandonment can help your business.

What Is Online Shopping Cart Abandonment?

When users visit a site, businesses want them to remain on the site long enough to complete a checkout process. Each stage a user completes gets them nearer to the checkout, but they don't always reach the final hurdle. There can be a number of reasons for this but with a bit of website tweaking here, and a bit of customer service there, online shopping cart abandonment rates can be reduced.

How Can Online Shopping Cart Abandonment Be Reduced?

There are a number of online shopping cart abandonment solutions that when implemented by businesses, can help reduce the amount of carts abandoned. Most are simple changes to a website, or customer services which can have huge results and increase conversions for businesses. Making enough changes can increase the number of returning customers which will increase sales.

Factors No Business Can Control

There are of course, some factors which will always result in a cart being abandoned and no solution for businesses to implement. A phone ringing or a doorbell buzzing means online shopping takes a back seat and at times is forgotten and online shopping cart abandonment strikes again.

One way businesses can try to reduce this is to send an email to customers who have abandoned their cart. Include the items they had in their cart and a link to the checkout so they can easily purchase their products.

How Else To Reduce Online Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Make The Checkout Process Simple

Checkout process should be quick and easy to complete, as it's the last obstacle a customer must complete before purchasing a product. There's no need to have more than 5 steps in the process. Combining two actions onto one page can increase efficiency. Users will get bored having to fill in forms on page after page, so condense how much info you need from customers.

Provide Flat Delivery Charges

Some companies charge higher or lower delivery charges depending on the size and weight of the product. This is one way of turning a customer away from your site, as they will be put off having to pay more for the product they're looking for. A simple way to avoid online shopping cart abandonment is to charge one flat fee for all products. Make the charges visible throughout the whole checkout process so users know exactly how much they are going to pay.

Shopping cart abandonment is not new nor is it going anywhere fast, so it's best to ensure your business is doing as much as possible to reduce it's online shopping cart abandonment rate.

For more information about online shopping cart abandonment visit Ve Interactive at

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