Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Yixing Potters and the Literati

Tea has always had a special connection with the Chinese people. For them, it is more than just a nourishing drink. It is also a great way to connect with other people and live existing traditions. The taking of tea has a social significance that is part of the Chinese tea drinking past time. Because of this, it's easy to see that traditions that go beyond tea would be developed because of it. One such tradition is the strong bond between Yixing potters and members of the Chinese literati. What brought about this alliance and what is its overall effect on the ritual of drinking tea in China?

The Yixing teapot is a very special and precious artifact. It is a one-of-a-kind creation that is made by skillful hands. It is also a creation that is formed in the mind of the potter before the clay reveals its actual form. There are many reasons for thisspecial quality, but the main reason can be explained in the context of its functionally. Yixing pots are made of Zisha clay, and are considered the perfect clay for making teapots. This is not only because of its unique purplish hue, but also because these pots have thermal properties and a unique feature of absorbing a bit of the tea into the pot itself. This leads to the tea having a stronger flavor than those brewed in another pot. This unusual absorption property is one of the main reasons why this product became immensely popular with tea connoisseurs.

But beyond the taste-enhancing benefits it brings, there are more reasons why Yixing teapots have become very popular for the literati. Another reason is because master craftsmen have turned the making of these teapots into a complete art form. These potters train virtually all of their lives under the tutelage of past masters in order to fully understand and master the art of making quality teapots. And the results are almost always very special. After all, there must be a reason why these pots remain very popular up to this day.

Teapot makers integrate their own unique ideas - hopes, dreams, experiences, and work into the clay a part of themselves, during the construction phase. This integration may take many forms such as coloring, engraving, shaping, or the addition of other details. The aim is always consistent with making the finest teapot possible. This approach to making pots endeared them further to the literati, who appreciate the level of skill and expertise needed to make unique pots of such high caliber and detail. Not only do these pots help brew perfectly-tasting tea, but they also look very attractive. It's a winning combination.

There has always been a historic connection between the literati and the Yixing potters. And this partnership ensured that these pots would go forward and become the a special form of tea utensil and commodity in the world.

Karen Davis is an Yixing Teapot enthusiast and collected her first pot back in the 1980's. She is the founder of Brownstoneshopper, an online webstore that sells Yixing teapots. We have a variety of teapots showcased in our online gallery. If you enjoyed this article, visit us now online at and sign up for your FREE Report!

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