Thursday, July 5, 2012

Five Types of Study Abroad Scholarships To Help Lower The Cost of Your International Studies

Cost is a very important factor to consider when deciding whether to send your child away in a study abroad program. A big surprise for lots of parents is that they can use their current domestic financial aid for their planned international studies trip. But the best part is, studying abroad can actually end up cheaper than going to college on-campus in their home country. This is especially true for those students who must pay out-of-state tuition.

International study scholarships are monetary awards for students who either win competitions (usually essay writing), or who meet other specific criteria.

Below are the different kinds of study abroad scholarships students are able to apply for:

Location based: These scholarships are awarded based on which country the student is planning to attend college in. The host country will select a winner among a pool of applicants that intend to study in that particular country.

Demographic based: Scholarships are awarded on a demographic level. Minority scholarships are the most common in this category. Scholarships can be awarded based on many different factors, including race, gender, religion, income, medical history, etc.

Merit based: The qualifications for a merit based scholarship will vary based on each particular scholarship, however they will typically revolve around one of the student's athletic, artistic, or academic talents. Among other factors considered is usually the student's community service, extra curricular, and volunteer work.

Program based: Program based scholarships are typically awarded by the different study abroad programs or colleges/universities to students who qualify for them. They are given out to those who meet academic or personal achievement criteria specified by the scholarships. These scholarships vary, so it is a good idea to check with your study abroad program to find out which ones are offered.

Subject based: Depending on your field of study, you may qualify to receive a subject based scholarship. These are awards given to outstanding students in a particular study area such as mathematics, fine arts, economics, history, etc. They usually require the student to undertake certain classes that align with the award given.

It doesn't matter what the type of scholarship you are looking for, you should find all that you qualify for and apply.By applying to more scholarships you will increase the likelihood of receiving one that you qualify for. This free funding combined with the experience is a great reason why to study abroad. Keep in mind that there are probably thousands of applicants for each scholarship, and just because you do not receive one of them does not mean you didn't deserve it. Keep in contact with your advisor at your study abroad program to stay informed of new available scholarships you can apply for.

Also check out websites like and for new and popular scholarships to apply for from host areas such as Germany and the U.K. These are also great resources to explore other benefits of studying abroad.

Going away for college is a big step. And if going away overseas, be sure to check your options and these resources so you can be well prepared for the journey that lies ahead.

Darren Rose is an advisor of international studies at a well known university in the United Kingdom. He enjoys working closely with students to ensure they have the necessary information to make their study abourd trip an overwhelming success. You can visit Darren's website at for more information regarding international studies.

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