Sunday, July 8, 2012

High School to College

If you have just started high school or maybe are about to the chances are your mind isn't really concentrating on college. After all, you have four long years of high school, so what's the rush.

Well there's isn't really a rush, but you will be amazed at just how fast these four years go; before you know it you've taken your exams, done the ACT or SAT test and have chosen your college.

Making plans for your future college attendance is something you need to start thinking about as early as your freshman year a high school. This is when you need to make the most of high school and it's the time when you need to settle down and take on challenging courses. Along with other aspects, colleges look closely at the type of academic courses you chose to do at high school. The more challenging the courses the more likely to are to get admitted to the college of your choice.

Take a look at past ACT or SAT test papers. The results from the ACT or SAT are important and could determine whether you get admitted to the college you would prefer to attend. While the tests obviously change regularly the layout and the type of subjects remain the same. By looking at previous test papers you can get an insight into the type of things you will get asked. If you choose subjects at high school that will help you both with passing the ACT or SAT and getting you ready to further your education in college then you have covered the ground wisely.

When you move into your second year at high school you will have become familiar with everything. The second year is often the year that students can get a bit casual about things. They are no longer the youngest, they don't feel they need to make an impression and they still have over two years to go before college.

Your second year a high school is a year to concentrate hard on the subjects you have chosen. It's also time to start consolidating what you are thinking of doing as a profession once your education is complete. Agreed, it's still a long way off, but these high school years are modelling you for the future; waste then now and you can never have a second chance.

When you get into your junior year it's time to buckle down. You should be considering registering for your ACT or SAT. If you are finding any of the courses difficult, or you think you are falling behind, make sure you take to your tutor and your parents. It may be that you would get some benefit by having a private tutor for a while to get to back up to speed.

Once you are in your final year you have to really prepare for college. You should have registered for your SAT or ACT by now and know the dates of the tests, so you can revise. You should have a short list of colleges and now it's time to visit them to find out which one will suit you best.

Four years ago you thought you had ages before college; the time flew past and now college is around the corner. Hopefully you prepared throughout your high school years.

Written by Lawrence Reaves for SchoolTutoring Academy - - providing tutoring services online for students on all subjects including, Math, English and Science. In-depth tutoring for specialized courses such as chemistry, physics and biology are also available. Call 1-877-452-6669 to see how SchoolTutoring Academy can help.

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