Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oddities In The Dominican Republic

In Canada, it is customary to celebrate national pride on July 1st each year and present an attitude of fierce pride mixed with quiet humility for their nation. In the US, national pride is celebrated annually on July 4th with massive fanfare and intense self-esteem. One attitude may seem weird to the other, but they are both equally wonderful in their own ways. The point is, every culture has its own traditions and they will all seem 'weird' to someone with a different perspective. Some elements of Dominican culture appear odd to westerners, but they are all wonderful in their own 'rite'.

The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti, in the Caribbean Sea. Therefore, both nations' cultures are subtly intertwined. For example, when you fly into Santo Domingo or Punta Cana, don't be surprised if everyone breaks out in joyous clapping when the plane lands. It is a decades old tradition closely linked to the superstitious beliefs of the Haitians. It is their way of thanking God for allowing the passengers' safe travel.

When Dominican children misbehave and it comes time for a lecture or discipline, parents always have the child kneel in front of them. No one is left out it would seem, as even adult children are expected to kneel for their harangue. On that same note, Dominican women - particularly the elderly - can conjure up such a ferocious gaze, no one would dare cross her. Even the weakest, most sickly grandmother can strike fear into the heart of someone with just one look. Of course, only if the recipient deserved it!

Take note: Chewing gum is called chicklets in the Dominican Republic, while all carbonated drinks are known as colas. Also, it is customary for Dominicans to dress in their "Sunday Best" to go to work each day. When Sunday comes around and everyone goes to their local church, Dominicans dress in clothing appropriate for a wedding. People dress up for weddings in a pomp manner, reminiscent of a Queen's visit for tea. It is the Dominican way!

Many people in the Dominican Republic are Catholic, so if you see someone making the sign of the cross at a cemetery or church, it should come as no surprise - it is the Dominican way! There is one Dominican custom that may be a little hard to interpret at first. Instead of pointing at things or people with their fingers, Dominicans point with their lips. Not the nose or chin, the lips. Also, when Dominicans laugh heartily (which they do a lot), they always clap their hands. Spend a week or two among the lovely Dominican people, and you will find yourself doing the same thing!

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