Sunday, July 15, 2012

The SAT Reasoning Test

The letters SAT no longer stand for anything; they are kept because it's what everyone refers to and understands. When it was introduced SAT was an acronym for Scholastic Aptitude Test, which was subsequently altered to Scholastic Assessment Test; now it is simply SAT Reasoning Test.

As the name implies, the examination is a test about reasoning; the ability to work out problems in a logical way and most of the examination is multiple choice style questions. However, when answering the multiple choice questions it is very important that students take care. You get penalised for an incorrect answer and if you repeatedly give incorrect answers is could seriously affect the final marking, even though you may have answered many other questions correctly.

The simple rule to remember is unless you are reasonably certain that your answer is correct, it is better not to answer the question than you provide an incorrect answer.

The SAT reasoning test covers three subjects; critical reading, mathematics and writing. It is a standardized test which means that colleges can evaluate the marks students attain knowing that everyone has taken the same test. Practically every college and university accepts the SAT results as part of the overall evaluation process.

The SAT Reasoning test is set for 3 hours and 45 minutes and each section has a maximum possible score of 800 and a minimum of 200. The maximum score and therefore the highest grade is 2,400.

Critical reading contains 78 multiple choice questions which need to be answered once a student has read the various comprehension passages. Several of the questions will relate to sentence completion thereby testing the ability of a student to form grammatically correct sentences.

Most of the math questions are multiple choice; apart from 10 questions at the end of the section which need individual thought out answers. The section covers math formula, functions, measurement, geometry and algebra. It also covers statistics which requires a student to analyse data sets.

The writing section is divided into an essay sub-set and multiple choice questions. The multiple choice questions concentrate on a student's knowledge of correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. A student is also expected to identify sentence errors and indicate the best way of improving sentences and paragraphs.
To improve your chances of getting admitted to the college of your choice many colleges also suggest that students take SAT Subject Tests in addition to the SAT Reasoning Test. SAT Subject Tests relate to specific areas and include subjects such as literature, chemistry and math.

The best place to find out information about the SAT Reasoning Test or the SAT subject Tests is on the official SATS website. Here you will find everything you need to know about the SAT tests, how to apply, registration dates, test dates and a host of other useful information.

You will also find useful tips about the SAT Reasoning Test and what to expect on the day. You can also test your abilities by answering daily test questions.

Written by Lawrence Reaves for SchoolTutoring Academy - - providing tutoring services online for students on all subjects including, Math, English and Science. In-depth tutoring for specialized courses such as chemistry, physics and biology are also available. Call 1-877-452-6669 to see how SchoolTutoring Academy can help.

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