Sunday, July 15, 2012

Terrorism Studies within Risk Management Training Heightens Employee Preparation

For many people risk management is the analysis of risks or threats that could jeopardize the operational flow of an organization through natural and manmade causes. These threats could involve unnecessary civil litigation, product or proprietary loss, employee injury, or natural disasters. The purpose of risk management is to identify the threats to the organization and find ways to mitigate or eliminate the threats. It is for this reason terrorism studies are often a very beneficial course of study for those in risk management training. Terrorism studies can help risk managers identify the persons or organizations wishing to do harm and may even provide information regarding methods of attack by specific groups.

As any Gulf Coast business is aware, it is imperative to understand Nature and the damage a hurricane can cause. Many meteorologists train relentlessly to further understand the way hurricanes move, strengthen and break apart in order to better warn those in the potential path. Terrorism studies provide the same style of information to risk managers. Specialists train and educate themselves to determine who may strike out and how they may do it. The more that is understood, the better warning and preparation a potential target may have.

There are many aspects that can be learned in risk management training as it relates to understanding the potential attacker. Demographics can play a large role in finding potential terrorist groups that have the ability and desire to inflict harm to an organization within their area of influence. For example, in areas populated with Sovereign Citizens it could easily be expected that a CEO or other wealthy influential person would be served with a multi-million dollar lien, as that is one of the favored attacks. Proper pre-planning could prevent the suit as predicate acts could be identified that would help mitigate or prevent the civil action.

Companies going overseas have a special need for risk managers to have special knowledge regarding terrorism. No area of the world is free from terrorism and each region has its own group that it must deal with. Terrorism studies can help pave the way to a proper understanding of what can be expected and offer mitigating actions that could be initiated to further reduce the chance of harm. Some areas that could be viewed as potential targets are communication methods, tactics (violent or passive), security probes, or other methods of disrupting the organization. Whatever method is used it would be in the best interest of the organization to have a plan designed ahead of time in order to reduce the impact on the organization and possibly prevent another incident. A poorly planned response could encourage a terrorist group as the chaos created is what they strongly desire.

No matter who or what is likely to cause an organization harm, it is imperative for a risk manager to understand the ways his or her organization can be harmed and the potential resulting effects. Terrorism studies, when incorporated with risk management training, can provide an understanding of potential threats, their likely attack style and the potential damage to the organization. A critical element of being prepared is being aware. Terrorism studies provide a method in which the awareness can begin. For any risk manager, awareness is an important role towards the ultimate goal of placing the odds of success into their hands and not into the hands of a threat to their organization.

Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, terrorism studies, risk management training, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

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