Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Find Free Webinars

Webinars are a great way to keep your skills up to date or to stay in the loop on the latest trends in your topics of interest. There are many companies and businesses who are teaching these web classes for a variety of reasons which include: educating their clients/customers/prospects, keeping their audience up to date on the latest trends, or pre-selling their product or service. Each of these reasons is an opportunity for you to learn something new about most specific topics.

The question is how and when can you find out about these web training classes? One way is to go to the search engine and type in 'free webinar: " and look at the results. The one major issue with using the search engines in this manner however is that you end up finding web training classes that have already taken place, sometimes years ago. It is a hit and miss method of finding these free webinars.

An alternative way would be to find a website that lists webinars and teleseminars dates that you can look at on a regular basis to find when the next event is occurring in your area of interest. You can look at sites like networking sites, association sites and industry news sites, as these sites usually have a calendar of upcoming events and some of these events list upcoming webinars.

Other sites to become aware of would be aggregations sites that just list online training events from multiple categories. These websites make it easier to find upcoming web classes in your topic of choice because for the most part, these sites focus on only listing webinars and teleseminars. You can find these type of sites by doing a search in the search engine for "free webinar listings".

With these kinds of sites however, you will have to return on a regular basis to keep up to date on new upcoming classes. That means that if you don't check regularly enough, then there is a chance that you will miss out on a web class that you would really have wanted to take.

Another alternative is to check out social media sites like Facebook and Twitter and do a search for specific keywords (like #freewebinar or #webinar in Twitter and a search for "free webinar" in Facebook). This result will give you webinars that are out of date but will also give you upcoming ones that are usually listed at the top of the search results, as they are the most recent entries. Again, this method also requires you to perform these searches on a consistent basis to be sure that you are keeping up to date on the upcoming events you want to go to.

The last alternative is to join a list that actually emails to you a list of the web-based classes that are coming up in the current week. This is the easiest way to find out about free webinars because they are sent to your mailbox on a semi-weekly/weekly/bi-weekly basis. Most of these lists are free and include all kinds of categories in their mailings, so you also have a chance to take advantage of some free training opportunities that you may not have thought about.

There are several ways to find out about free web conferencing and the easiest one by far is to join a list where they are emailed to you on a regular basis. That way you don't have to think about continuously returning to a website to check on new classes.

TeleseminarLive is a free service that sends you a list of upcoming paid and free webinars and teleseminars. Join this site today and reduce your risk of missing out on a free webinar opportunity.

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