Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Get CNA Certified

There are many ways to complete training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. A number of businesses in the medical field can provide or assist with CNA training that is required for state testing that leads to CNA certification. No matter how you proceed, the bulk of the information taught to you will be the same. Classroom learning coupled with clinical work is required. This can be completed through a nursing home, hospital, or other facility that relies on nursing assistants to provide care for their clients.

Training covers 100 to 120 hours. Depending on the course intensity can be completed in 6 to 12 weeks. Some students take this over a longer period of time if they are working another job and doing volunteer work for their clinical experience, but the majority of CNAs gain their training in either a college or medical setting. The choice made for where this is gained can determine the cost of tuition which can be covered as part of the job or be paid for by grants depending on income level. Typical fees are 400 to 1000 dollars for a 6 week course. Employers who cover this may ask that the trainee work for them to cover a bond for the training for a period of 3 to 6 months if they provide paid training.

The first step typically taken for CNA training is locating one or more places that offer positions as a CNA with on the job training. You will be required to meet a wide range of specifications:

Being physically fit and are able to lift and manipulate heavy objects as a high level of physical fitness is required for the job.

A health exam will be required before being hired or admitted into a training program. This is to reduce the chances of contamination to already sick or impaired patients that one will be working with on a daily basis.

Hepatitis, tuberculosis, measles and other contagious conditions need to be tested for and immunized against before training starts.

A full background check will be performed and proof of identification provided. Both are required by state and federal laws

Communication skills and English comprehension will be tested for. This is vital as communication with patients and medical professionals is necessary for the job.

A High School diploma or GED is required and mathematics proficiency must be demonstrated.

Mental outlook and psychological condition is tested for to ensure that students are emotionally ready to endure the stresses of the job, including patient loss, trauma, and other related issues.

Once these qualifications are met and coursework is completed then state testing can be taken for CNA certification.

For more great information on cna training and cna certification we have a range of great tools and free resources on our website so visit us at today.

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