Monday, March 18, 2013

Algebra Makes Me Queasy

The day my daughter comes to me for academic tutoring such as help with her algebra homework, will be the day she realizes that mom might not be the smartest person on the planet. Though most children find out their parents don't actually know everything, most parents don't know when this day will come. I know, however, and I am certain this will be the day. I know that algebra homework will be my downfall. I'm not a stupid person, not by any means, but when it comes to math, you can forget it.

If someone starts talking about numbers, I warn them that it sounds like math to me, and they should know that they are about to lose my interest.

Get Help with Your Homework

Everyone knows that we live in a world of math and can't live without it, but I can. My worst fear in highschool was algebra class. I could do basic problems but algebra gave me some unforgetable headaches and I'm sure it was because I had a bad teacher. Tutoring or a better teacher really would have helped me. I wouldn't feel the way I do now if I did. Algebra would not br my highschool nightmare.

My daughter will have to ask her dad for algebra help. He's good at math and all those academic subjects. I hate to disappoint her but she'll understand. I will be very proud of her if she continues on to calculus and will not hesitate to recommend tutoring.

Your childs teacher can help them with there algebra homework if you are unable to or they may be able to recommend a tutor for you. You really don't want your child to feel helpless with there homework. Tutoring is a wonderful investment in your childs future, Anything to keep that learning spark alive. To find out more about tutoring, check out the Good Grades Guide.

For more information on academic tutoring go to Another great resource is The Good Grades Guide at

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