Monday, March 25, 2013

Know Your Learning Strength

Attention Students! Are you a visual learner, auditory learner or kinesthetic learner? By knowing what kind of learner you are and by applying memory improvement tips for that style, you will remember more information in a shorter period of time and start getting the grades you deserve.

Absorbing information through the sense of hearing is the strength of an auditory learner. The spoken word is the preferred mode of communication. Lectures, audio books and audiotapes are appealing. Learning effectively through discussions and debates are also characteristic of a person with a strong auditory learning style. Verbal instructions instead of written instructions are also more appealing to auditory learners.

Do you remember names better if you see them written down? Can you remember where information appeared on a written page? Do you find it beneficial to make and view graphs and charts? Are you skillful at remembering how people dressed? If you can answer yes to the above questions, visual learning is your dominant learning style.

Kinesthetic learners benefit from hands-on teaching techniques. They absorb information by doing and being active in their learning approach. Making a model that illustrates a key concept is a great way for a kinesthetic learner to improve their memory. Studying in short blocks of time and taking frequent study breaks will help the kinesthetic learner remember better.

Please remember...there is no right or wrong learning style! Your dominant learning style is designed for you! To learn more memory improvement tips and to start on a new path to better grades, check out this site, . Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good Grades Guide Review, .

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