Thursday, March 28, 2013

How To Get Women To Love You After You've Swopped Numbers?

I know one of the biggest annoyances when guys are single is when your get a girl's number and then she disappears of the grid after only a few messages. What happened? She seemed really interested so why has it died off? Well, here are some tips to avoid so that you can get on your a game in the dating business.

Texting Mistake Number 1:

This one is a big one I see most guys make - confusing any responses from a lady for attraction. A lady doesn't usually feel any connection with you before the first date. Just because she is sending you messages, that doesn't mean you are building the connection. She may well be being polite and just responding to your texts. Do not keep sending her messages to build connection because it doesn't work.

Think the opposite from what everyone else is telling you - the more messages you send, the smaller the chance she turns up on the date. And those messages your getting back are probably her just being nice and polite.

Do you find yourself sending messages like 'how's your day going?' and 'Are you enjoying the weather?' Do yourself and the lady a favor and STOP wasting everyone's time. They are pathetic and pointless and make you look boring which we know isn't the real you. Just ask yourself before you send another message what the reason for your message is. If it is simply plain getting to know each other, you are not too send that text if you want a successful love life.

Mistake Number 2: Not Conveying That You Are A Fun Person To Spend Time With

When you get a lady's number she has not signed some sort of contract to see you on a date. If you keep sending those boring messages, why would she want to waste her time meeting you? Would you want to meet her if she kept sending 'it was SO great to meet you on Friday' 'how are you today?' If she does have other guys texting her, the chances are they are all saying this boring crap. You've got to stand out and be different if you want her to see you again by being the fun option.

Mistake Number 3: Not Having a Unique Texting Style

So if you want to stand out- your texts need to display your unique style and personality. She should be able to know its a text from you just by reading it (even if the name was blocked) What words, phrases, punctuation, or emoticons are uniquely yours?

Mistake Number 4 Having Long Text Conversations

If you think that texting conversations are the same as normal conversations, this could be seriously affecting your game.Testing needs to be show you as a super cool guys who just communicates in cliff notes of a normal converstation. Leave out formalities which are boring. The longer the texting goes on for the more chance you have to mess things up and start going down the boring road. Every time you contact a lady, start with the good stuff and keep it short and sweet.

For more information about how to improve your dating and love life, check out this site,
Another site that I'm sure you'll like is the make small talk sexy review here,

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