Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Good Grades Guide - What You Need To Know

Here is a guide and review for the Good Grades Guide.

The education system and methods of teaching have not changed in well over 40 years! In today's world we are surrounded by more stress, less time and information overload. This is a bad state to be in when you are studying for important exams and qualitifications to improves your quality of life or do well in school.

So what is the solution to all this information overload? Well one fantastic resource I have found is the Good Grades Guide. It teaches you the best way to use your brain.

So the first question we will look at - Good Grades Guide - What Is It?

The Good Grades Guide is an ebook that teaches the latest and most up to date study techniques. It will make you a much more effective learner in the classroom, office and at home. Its a resource I discovered a couple of years ago and its really helped me out.

The Guide consists of 60 pages and 8 chapters of the most up to date methods and strategies for studying. It is written by Professor Han Wellman, M.Ed and he explains all the concepts really well.

Upon completion of the book, you will know how to setup up your study environment, the best time to study and how to create the perfect study timetable to match you. Additionally, you will learn exactly how to use study tricks to learn more effectively and much, much more in between.

I would say this is the best book I have ever read about how to get the most out of your brain. It seems silly that we take this huge mainframe, powerful computer computer we have in our heads, and most of us take it for granted.

The topics covered in this book are:

Rainbow Notes (my favorite method and implemented into all my learning now)


Memory Fans


Mad Actor

Ryhme Liners

Learned Letters

Roman Model

Hash Mash

Spider Mapping

And much much more...

The one thing you could possibly struggle with in the Good Grades Guide is the huge amount of content you get as it can be a little overwhelming. But once you get your head round the techniques, you will never look back.

Because this book has so much information in it, I found the best method was, like anything, to slow down and take it one step at a time.

In summary, this book really sorted my head out - literally. I was struggling to concentrate and focus on studying with all the other things that were going on in my life and this book put my brin power of steroids.

For more information about how to best study for exams, check out this site,http://howtobeststudyforexams.moneysites.com/

Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good Grades Guidereview here, http://howtobeststudyforexams.moneysites.com/.

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