Sunday, March 31, 2013

How To Determine Which Pay Per Bid Auction Sites Are Trustworthy

There is a big cloud of mystery when it comes to the internet. One person might trust lots of different websites, whereas another person might not trust any of them. Both may have reasonable arguments for their decision. There have been huge amounts of credit card fraud over the last few years online. On a similar note, just like there is fraud on the internet, there is also fraud on the high street too! This doesn't mean that people stop their shopping on the high streets now, does it?

Lowest unique bid auctions sites have created something special for consumers. They allow people to drastically increase the range of products that they can afford. Most of the mod-cons these days, the average person can not afford from a normal retailer. A music player such as an iPod for £200, a TV for £600 and even laptops that start from around £300; these are just not amounts of cash that people have spare as part of their disposable income. Lowest unique bid auction sites allow people to purchase these items at a small fraction of their original value. So the £600 TV, will sell for £30-60 and maybe less on many occasions.

The first thing to do is search through one of the main search engines. This will provide people with a fairly detailed list of the best suppliers when it comes to lowest unique bid auction sites. Of course, just because they are first on Google, does not necessarily mean that they are trustworthy, although it is a good start. It is worth digging a bit deeper and looking elsewhere to see if they can really be trusted when it comes to paying cash and getting cheap products.

The big issue of trust
There are lots of little ways to determine how trustworthy an online auction site really is. One of the best ways of doing this is to consider the "following" that they have. Social media is a good indication of how popular a site is. Also, if someone has something bad to say, then it is likely that they will contact the company through social media, where everyone else will be able to see. It is worth checking out the two main social hubs, as they will show buyers which sites have a great following and which sites are not necessarily doing a very good job of keeping their customers happy.

Clear structure
A trustworthy site will not hide anything from its potential bidders. They will give a clear indication of exactly how the site works. In fact, they will even give examples of how the bidding structure works, to ensure that each potential bidder knows exactly what they are doing, before they even start. Untrustworthy websites will tend to keep certain things to themselves and have hidden charges etc, which makes the whole experience a lot more expensive than they would have you imagine. It is worth doing some other minor research, before committing to any one of the auction sites and starting to bid. If you have any questions it's a good idea to send them an email and see how long it takes to get a response and see how helpful they are.

Pay per bid auctions can be a great place to have fun and pick up great discounts at the same time. BidGrid are a trustworthy unique bid auction site based in the UK who have a great reputation

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