Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Study Tips For Better Grades

Want to improve your grades? Here are some tips which you can put into practice. They won't all be right for you, but if you find the tip that makes sense and follow it I'm sure it will help you to improve your grades.

This might seem like an obvious thing to say but you'll get better grades if you study at times when you are most alert. It might seem odd to say don't study in the afternoon, but most people retain information best either last thing at night or first thing in the morning. In the afternoon your mind is more prone to relax so study at times when you're most alert If you want to improve your grades

For the best results take plenty of short breaks. Why? Well you won't get better grades by just sitting there hour after hour reading the same thing over and over. You see its easy for your mind to wonder when you try to take in so much information. Take a short break every 30 Minutes or so and give you mind time to relax and think about other stuff. When you get back to work you'll be much more able to concentrate.

Here's another idea, why not devise tests for you and your friends. You test them and then they can test you. This can be fun and is a great way to improve and test your knowledge. Studying really needs to be dare I say it, fun. It's a good idea to vary your study tasks to make them more enjoyable. Use flow charts and graphs or try flashcards and tables, These are great methods to make studying more enjoyable. Boredom is the enemy of study. Bring variety to your studying and get better grades.

Getting better grades will be much easier if you set yourself some goals. You should create goals that are achievable. Set weekly goals and a few long term goals also. You always need to have something to work towards. You'll get a great sense of achievement From hitting your goals and this will make your studying all the more enjoyable.

If you want to get better grades it's a good idea to get colourful and creative, here's what I mean. When you are making notes nothing will stand out if you just use a black pen on white paper. Try using different coloured pens to highlight different subject matters. For instance use red pen to highlight numbers, use a yellow pen to highlight dates use a different colour for names and equations. Now notice how much easier it is when looking back over your notes to pick up the important facts. These facts will lodge in your memory much more easily because they've been highlighted on the page and this is really going to help you internalise the facts and get better grades.

Why not find a study partner. It's a well-known saying, two heads are better than one. I think this is especially true when it comes to studying. Two people with similar goals working together with an unstoppable desire to achieve those goals Is a force to be reckoned with. You can help each other by setting each other tests sharing goals et cetera. If one of you has more knowledgeable particular subject and the other you can share your get an awful lot of benefit from sharing the knowledge you have your study partner in terms of confidence and memory reinforcement. So find a study partner with a similar desire to you and work together, the outcome will be better grades.

For more information about how to get awesome grades, check out this site,http://getbettergrades.moneysites.com/ . Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good GradesGuide review here, http://getbettergrades.moneysites.com/2013/02/06/the-good-grades-guide-review-what-you-need-to-know/

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