Friday, March 8, 2013

Rev Up Your Metabolic Rate With A Little Green Tea

The following article was based on the components of a study that discussed the benefits of green tea and the thermic effects of foods. In particular, the effects of green tea and proteins were noted in relation to metabolism. Please note that the study results are not typical and although weight loss did occur with green tea, there are a variety of factors that determine the pace of weight loss in individuals. An individual may be able to see results within a week or it may take longer. However, with each study that is done, there are increasing evidenced based outcomes that support the healthful efficacy of teas such as green tea and other teas that support improved bodily function. These may range from increased fat metabolism, appetite reduction, decreased Body Mass Index (BMI) and anti-aging benefits.

Green tea has been used for thousand of years in Asia as a digestive aid and medicinal product. Having a cup of green tea after a meal can aid digestion. All teas come from the same source - the tea plant or bush. The tea plant is called camellia sinensis, and from this one bush many tea varieties are derived. Black, oolong, and green teas are all derivatives of this one plant and the processsing distinguishes each tea variety. The important thing to remember is that green tea is a good beverage to include in your diet plan. The health benefits of green tea have been known for over a millenia in Asia, and are quickly gaining ground in the West.

Present research suggests that supplementing your diet with green tea can increase your resting metabolic rate by about 3%. In order to get this benefit you should drink about 3-4 glasses a day. If you have a BMR of 2000 or so that amounts to 60 extra calories burned a day. By the end of a 7 day week that equals 420 extra calories that you don't have to carry around; and that's pretty good. Basal metabolic rate (BMR), and resting metabolic rate (RMR), are cousins. They are defined as the amount of energy used daily by humans during the body's resting phase. The definition of 'rest' is the existence of an organism in a neutrally temperate or calm enviornment, while the digestive system is in an inactive state. This is called a post absorptive state in which the body is in recovery. The release, and use, of energy during this period is ample only for the functioning of the vital organs,such as the heart, lungs, skin, etc., which maintain a homeostatic or metabolic equilibrium.

As you get older, every little bit of help is useful when you're trying to lose weight or keep your weight stable. The holistic approach to healthy living is still the best baseline when instituting healthful chnages. Diet and exercise are still two of the most important components of weight loss and maintenance, but studies are showing that tea, particularly green tea, may be able to provide some assistance in losing weight and keeping it off. For centuries, people in Asia have used green tea for health. In fact praise of green tea goes back to about 800 AD. The disease rate in Asian cultures is also different as their incidents of various cancers and cardio vascular disease is much less. Due to diet, instances of obsesity are also less.

The continuous conversion of food into energy creates free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage our cellular material if unchecked. Research indicates that free radicals contribute to the development of many disease states in addition to impacting aging and other health-related problems, particularly in older Americans. Anti-oxidants which are plentiful in green tea, are powerful combatants of free radicals and are linked with cancer prevention. They are favorably implicated in a decreased risk of stroke, heart disease and with lowered serum cholesterol. For this reason, drinking green tea is one simple and effective disease prevention and anti-aging strategy. In addition to being a way to protect your health, drinking tea seems to also be a way to help keep you slim. If you are in search of the best and the most effective method for reducing weight and maintaining it for life, you should add green tea to your daily diet and lifestyle plan. The green tea leaf is unoxidized and maintains most of its nutritional properties. It also is one tea that has the least amount caffeine.

Research shows that all foods do have what is called the thermic effect. Protein foods have a 30% thermic effect. What that means is when taking a 100 calorie portion of a protein, about 30 calories (a little under one-third of caloric intake) from the food are used to break down the fibrous components in the protein. High fiber foods also have a higher thermic effect. Fat has a much lower thermic effect.

In this particular study, the control group lost about one kilogram of bodyweight; the group that got the green tea lost over two kilograms. The significant finding was the total effect on the participants abdominal and subcutaceus (under the skin) fat. Green tea is a helpful factor in weight loss but it can not do it alone. Proper diet and exercise go hand in hand with weight loss and maintenance.

Karen Davis is an Yixing Teapot enthusiast and collected her first pot back in the 1980's. She is the founder of Brownstoneshopper, an online webstore that sells Yixing teapots and tea. We have a variety of teapots showcased in our online gallery. If you enjoyed this article, visit us now online at and sign up for your FREE Report!

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