The high street is dead. Have a walk down your local high street and all you will see is discount signs. Don't be fooled by these signs though. These discounts are off the direct RRP and are usually minimal. For instance, 20% discount on a product that is last year's stock is not exactly a great deal. If you look in the right places, you could get a bigger discount than that on up to date newly released items. If you want to get the best bargains, the real savings, then you need to use bidding sites, online coupons and loyalty discounts.
Bidding sites
Bidding sites are websites that almost every internet shopper will have used in the past. They represent the perfect opportunity. You log online, you don't even need to leave the comfort of your own home. Have a quick browse to see if there is anything of interest that looks like a good deal. You can drop a few bids on and hope that there are not many other people watching. A lot of people do this. Even though they would pay more than their bid amount, they stick to bidding low amounts. When they actually win any items, the savings they make are fairly substantial. This is an incredibly good strategy to use on bidding sites and with thousands of auctions on offer; it is one that is still working. The only downside here is that a lot of time will be wasted and you will only win a small amount of the items that you bid on.
Do you, or have you, used an online store? Did you know that almost every online store in the will have discount coupons available? Probably not and neither will thousands of other people that have used that same store. The store has already got you to make a purchase, so why would they offer a discount? They won't! That being said, there are other people on the internet that they do need to persuade. A discount of 10-25% on up to date items will usually do the trick. If you do a search for the shop name and "discount coupon", you will find multiple results. You can use this code in the checkout and get an instant discount on your purchases. Some of these codes are ongoing and do not expire, so make sure you log them for future reference. A couple of minutes can easily be time well spent, although you won't find a coupon before every purchase you make you will be surprised how often you are able to make a saving.
Loyalty discounts
This can be linked with discount coupons. Most online stores realise that it costs them more to obtain a customer, rather than to retain them. They can keep customers shopping with their store by offering them further discounts and exclusive offers. In fact, many of these stores will have a point scheme. The more you spend with their company, the more points you will acquire. Over time, you can convert these points into cash or free gifts, which add up to even more savings.
When it comes to making purchases, you should be using a combination of bidding sites, coupons, loyalty discounts, or ideally all three. If you are not, then it is almost certain that you are spending more on your purchases than you really need to, so the bottom line is you are wasting money.
There are a variety of different bidding sites available if you take a look online. A relatively new auction format which continues to grow in popularity is the unique bid auction, where the lowest unique bid wins
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