Sunday, April 14, 2013

5 Tips to Get Your Ex Back

Your world has fallen apart--your relationship has ended, and you feel there is nothing you wouldn't do to get your ex back. But now is a time for caution. There are mistakes you can make at this juncture that will ruin any effort to restore your relationship. But there are things you can do that might help bring the relationship back together. Read the following to discover 5 tips on getting your ex back.

Don't pursue you ex slavishly. Don't appear needy and obsessive--it will annoy them and drive them further away. Even if you are convinced you belong together, your ex may not see it that way, yet. Better to appear aloof, show your maturity by taking the breakup in stride. Start engaging in new activities with new people, even if your heart is breaking. We all want what we can't have. You ex may reconsider and come around.

Be flexible and open to change. Something was behind the breakup. And most likely it was your behavior. Habits can become pet-peeves and get on your partner's nerves, so find out what you can change to make yourself more socially acceptable. It can help in other relationships, too, so identify problem areas and work on them. If you do reconcile, but haven't made any changes, then those issues are likely to resurface and you'lout the same oldl find yourself repeating the process a second time. And be open to a side benefit: when you make changes in yourself, they have a way of opening new doors; you may find yourself better off than before.

Do, don't just say! The best way to convince others that you're a changed person is through your behavior. You gain nothing by telling people how you have adapted, while at the same time you act the same old way. Not too convincing, is it? But if you truly make the changes, your behavior will reflect your commitment and others will notice. The power in relationships comes from the effort you expend towards working out your social difficulties.

Take some time apart. You have to respect your ex's needs, here. Don't cling, don't obsess, and don't bother! Things came to a climax that ended in separation. The emotions behind it need time to calm down before any movement can take place. Give each other time to restructure them. Respect each other's space. When and if you do explore a resumption of the relationship, be sure not to give the impression that little has changed, and that you intend to act in the same manner as before. That's the final "kiss of death" for your attempt to get your ex back.

Talk to your ex face to face when you feel ready to test whether reconciliation might work. Make the meeting intimate, just you both. Please do not resort to some impersonal digital gadgetry such as Facebook, or email, or texting, or even the phone. It's scary; you have invested time and hard work in taking stock of yourself, and now comes the moment of truth. Now you have to lay it on the line. Faint heart ne'er won fair lady (and vice versa). Arrange to meet where you can express yourself where you won't be distracted or feel self-conscious. Be honest, open and heartfelt. Show your ex how you've changed; let them see you in a new light. This is your chance to let your ex see how different you are, how you've matured from the last time, and let them see how ready you are for a renewed commitment.

I can't guarantee that following the tips in this article is a fool-proof sure thing way to get your ex back. What's most important, and something I can guarantee, is that you will be the better for making the effort. Any personal growth is a good thing---something that will stand you in good stead moving forward. When your ex sees the time and effort you put in to reclaiming your broken relationship, it surely will count heavily in deciding whether to take up a new commitment to each other; this time in a more sustainable way than before.

For more information about getting your ex back, check out this site. Another helpful site, available for a nominal fee, is

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