Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easy Ways To Stop Hair Loss

There are mulitple causes to hair loss and we look at some of these in this article. Plus there are lots of hints and tips as to how to prevent hair loss and look after your hair.

Understand why hair loss happens - Hair loss (alopecia) occurs mainly on the head but it can also happen on other parts of the body. It can happen at any age and will affect an estimated 30 to 40 percent of any population. It is not always easy to identify the reason behind hair loss in an individual case but the generally known reasons behind hair loss can range from genetics and aging to diseases and stress and poor diet. Even childbirth can trigger hair loss for some women.

Be careful how you style your hair. Some styles that require tight pulling and elastics, clips, etc. can be a cause of hair loss if done on a daily basis. For example, tight ponytails, braiding tightly, corn-rows, and plaits, can lead to significant hair loss when done daily. Winding hair tightly onto rollers, especially heated rollers, is also liable to cause more hair loss. The medical name for loss of hair due to hairstyles that are too tight is known as "traction alopecia" and it is completely preventable as a cause in and of itself!

Do not comb or brush your hair when it is wet. It is very easy to damage and break it so treat it gently in this state. When your hair is dried, use a soft-bristled brush to brush it.

Keep your locks healthy by keeping your stress levels under control. Make sure you get enough sleep and perform exercise to alive any stress you may have. Hair loss is often one of the body's first ways to let us know something is wrong and we need to take action.

You should see a doctor or a trichologist immediately if you think you're losing more hair than normal, if you notice a change from normal. Just remember that we lose a lot of hairs each day naturally.

Consider treatments if you have hair loss confirmed. For ongoing hair loss, treatments you might like to consider are HRT. This stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy and is usually associated with women going through the Menopause. This may work for some women. However, you need to discuss the ins and outs of taking HRT with your doctor.

Consider laser treatment. Try laser therapy, which may stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles. Some dermatologists and many hair-loss centers offer in-house sessions, or you can purchase a laser comb or brush that you use at home.

Celiac disease can cause hair loss; speak with your doctor if this is a concern.

For more information on hair loss and what you can do to regrow your hair naturally, check out this site:

If you want to know more about hair loss and the menopause, check out this site:

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