Saturday, April 20, 2013

How Long Does Part 1 Of An IELTS Speaking Test Last?

The IELTS speaking test consist of one candidate and one examiner, who manages the test and evaluates the candidate at the same time. You should be aware that in part 1 of the IELTS speaking test the examiner will ask the candidates some common topics which are straight forward but personal. Apart from work related questions, the examiner will ask you about where you live, the food you eat, your friends, holiday, sports, school and public transport. If you want to make the test simple, try speaking English every day. Most people find IELTS speaking tests to be difficult. About 10 questions will be asked by the examiner within 45 minutes when doing the first part of the IELTS speaking test.

Indeed, they'll want you to do well and will do everything that they can to make you feel comfortable. Disturbance is avoided by the examiners who carry out IELTS tests for the candidates after allocating them a time period of 3 to 4 minutes and a minute for preparations. Wisdom should be used to ensure that the 1 minute allocated time is enough to write down important points that you are going to speak about in part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. If you're concerned about not having enough to talk about or running out of time before you finished, the answer is to practice as often as possible. Apart from writing the main body that includes the description of the situation, the introduction is also included and mainly speaks on the main point.

In Part 3 of the test, which lasts between 3 to 4 minutes, the examiner will raise questions connected to the topic in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test. Candidates should make grammatically correct sentences that are also correctly punctuated because the examiners will be checking this. Examiners test the candidates on how to speak English and not on the response so do not be in a hurry or be too slow. One is advised to be natural when speaking to the examiner since not doing this may make you look like you are delivering a speech.

You need to use wide vocabulary and the ability to speak smoothly on any topic. You may make a few tiny mistakes though they should not get in the way of communication. When you are done with all the three parts of the practice speaking test, listen to your recording of your own practice test to see how well you did. It is effective for the candidate and the trainer to have direct interaction as it is the most effective way to assess the skill. Online registration of the IELTS speaking tests has made everyone in the world be able to do the test.

The examples of English speaking countries immigration authorities that require the IELTS speaking score are New Zealand, Canada, UK and Australia. It is important to check the score that is needed before moving to an English speaking country. There are various versions of IELTS and whichever you take, helps you make most of you time in the chosen country or field. Within a single week do the speaking modules take place, and are done before or after the other modules.

Look at this website - if you would like to attain good grades by taking economical Classes from an expert IELTS teacher.

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