Sunday, April 21, 2013

Using Effective Study Skills


The use of the study skills on effective study skills can have profound results for a learner. One can pass or even fail based on how best they use this concept of effective study. This kind of study calls upon a person to effectively use all the opportunities available so as to get the best results. Given that every other person is different from the next, and that they use different studying methods, the following studying method has been formulated and it has also been proven to work for all personalities.


Any student who wants to succeed in their studies must practice over and over again. And it is not just practicing but doing so in the right manner. It takes the full concentration and effort of a student to actually achieve any success in a class. The use of the study skills lesson on effective study skills can be employed to help a student to achieve the very optimal goal in class that they so desire. Below are some tips that can be very helpful when it comes to effective studying skills.


Every individual has a unique personality that helps at defining them. Indeed, the unique personality of each person helps one know the specific studying needs that one has and what to do to utilise the available opportunities optimally. You can use the study schedule which will help you allocate and distribute your time effectively.

Studying for and after lectures or classes

This is a simple technique that requires that a learner study the notes or what they did in the last lecture. Most of the time, a lecture is based on the previous one. If you never understood last time's lecture, then there is a high chance that you won't understand today's either. Studying skills lesson on effective study tips also require that a learner spare some minutes to go through what they have just been taught by the teacher. This reinforces one's understanding of the topic. When one studies before and after a lesson, they are in a better position to understand more and even know the specific areas that they need help on before time runs out on them.

Active listening and studying in class or during lectures

Active listening entails thinking along with the teacher as he teaches. Internalizing what the teacher says before putting it down on paper. The practice of just writing what the teacher says without first comprehending what the teacher meant completely reduces on effective study and will lead to loss of the content in the memory soon or later. Active studying entails taking notes, summaries, visualizing, assessment, recitals, and many other ways of promoting information intake, retention and retrieval

Choose an appropriate time and place

This simply means that a student will need to study in an environment that is quiet and when they are fully relaxed and rested. One should always avoid last minute studying.

For more information about Study Skills Lesson, check out this site .Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good Grades Guide Review here

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