Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nude Photography Techniques

Copyright (c) 2013 Leon Goodman

Nude photography is an ancient art form. A few simple nude photography techniques can certainly move your photos from the average to the desireable. But before I begin I just wanted to re-iterate my thoughts the subject. Here's more on the subject of nude photography.

Shooting angles

One of the simplest nude photography techniques to make use of is the shooting angle. Getting a good shooting angle can make a big difference to successful nude photography - it really can make or break an image.

High shooting angles

If you go for the ordinary face-on photos you are very likely to end up with flat boring photos, or worse still the sort of photo that would be familiar to readers of cheap tabloid newspapers.

Low shooting angles

Another easy nude photography technique is to do the opposite - try a low shooting angle. Taking photos from the bottom up can again give nude photography more impact but a little more thought in positioning your model might be needed. nude photography techniques - low shooting angle.

Unusual shooting angles

High and low shooting angles can do much for nude photography. But once you've got the hang of moving yourself around your model you can begin to get more creative.

Focal lengths

Using the right focal length can bring a real sense of quality to nude photography. nude photography techniques - using the right focal length Using a focal length of more than 50mm means (in other words, a telephoto lens) is great for portraits. A focal length of around 70mm is ideal for the classic head and shoulders portrait because it doesn't distort the subject.

Rule of thirds for nudes

The rule of thirds can work well in most types of photography, and it can work well for nudes too. The basic premise of the rule of thirds is that the areas of the image that should attract the viewers' interest are placed on imaginary 'thirds' drawn across a photo - much like overlaying a tic-tac-toe grid over a photo.

Use diagonal lines of composition

Another photography technique that works well for almost all forms of photography is the use of diagonal lines in your compositions. nude photography techniques - rule of thirds Using diagonal lines can really make an image more punchy. It adds an extra element of drama and impact to the image.

Breaking the rules

The rules here will certainly get your nude photos off the ground and will get you half decent photos. Once you've established the basics and are up and running it might be time to break some of those rules and even add in extra dimensions.

Learn more about Nude photography on the website

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