Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tips To Change Your Life For The Better

2012 was a major year of change in my life - I became a father for the first time in February, I began blogging in April, I relocated from Australia to Canada in July, and I started a new job in November. Along the way I have picked up a variety of tips that I have incorporated into my daily routine to make life happier, healthier, and more productive. These are my favorites:

Start with the fundamentals: if you want to live a great life, start by getting the fundamentals right. Examples of what I consider the "fundamentals" include an open mind and a willingness to change.

Give your morning a makeover: does a typical workday seem to consist of waking up, going to work, working, coming home, and going to sleep? Get more from your day by giving your morning a makeover.

Always carry a notepad to capture ideas: my best ideas for blog articles don't come when I sit down at the computer. They come when I am on the bus or when I have just finished a work out. That's why I always carry around a small notepad and pen to capture ideas as soon as they come. And you don't need to be a blogger to benefit from this tip…

Wear a sleeping mask: this year I cut my sleeping from 8 hours to 6.5 hours per night. This doesn't mean, though, that I wake up tired or have less energy during the day. Quite the opposite in fact! Wearing a sleeping mask has helped improve my quality of sleep by ensuring I sleep in complete darkness.

Cut the sugar: this year I have cut down on my sugar intake. I rarely drink pop (soft drink) anymore, and after 4pm I avoid any sugary foods like the plague. There have been many benefits to this, but the biggest relates my significantly better quality of sleep.

Stretch yourself by trying something new: life is about trying new things, stretching ourselves, and having adventures. There endless things to try.

Take a "mini-retirement": this year I was lucky enough to have a 4 month "mini-retirement" (as Tim Ferriss calls it) after the move from Australia to Canada. And what can I say? I loved it and look forward to more in the future.

Be honest with yourself: it may hurt, but being honest with yourself will open the door to change in your life. Just remember, though, to be gentle with yourself.

Make routine tasks interesting: routine tasks are a fact of life. There is no reason, though, why you can't make them a bit more interesting. Try making a game of the task, or perhaps using your non-preferred hand.

Be disciplined: one of my favourite quotes I came across this past year is: "the price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret". Memorize this quote, and tell it to yourself then you feel yourself being tempted to act in a way that is not in alignment with your dreams and goals.

For more information on how to change your life, check out this site:
Another article i'm sure you'll like is the Ultimate Game Of Life Review:

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